What if it was haunted?

What if it was haunted?

In horror, it always seems to be the same things that are haunted, isn’t it?

An old house, an asylum, a theme park.. what if we’d get something completely different?

β€’ A sex shop; one day when I was working around halloween time, the idea sprung to my head πŸ˜‚ “Terror at the sex shop”.. penises flying from nowhere, dildos falling off the shelves ..now that would probably be more funny that terrifying, don’t you think?

β€’ A retirement home; When I went visiting my grandma where she was residing, my aunt had told us they actually *moved* the cemetary that was beside it to be able to expend to 20 more rooms. Yes, that includes the tombs aswell.. now idk but you’d think the spirits would be kinda pissed there, even if it was very old one you couldnt even read names on anymore.

β€’ A Coffee shop; Maybe the coffee machines ending up acting wierdly or just NOT working ? Pasteries and coffee grains being thrown at baristas and customers – potentially a deep voice in the drive thru that’d say random stuff?


Have you seen anything like thoses before? Where would be other wierd/unheard of places; and what would be happening?

0 thoughts on “What if it was haunted?

  1. I am happy to say I’ve never seen things like this happen … and I hope I never will! I would be terrified because I am SUCH a scaredy-cat! I would think another weird creepy place might be the grocery store or the library – in both cases, things would just fly off the walls and there could be weird voices on the speakers giving orders to “customers” or library patrons. Oh, and the mall would be another weird place for a haunting to occur! Imagine going to a change room with some clothes, and then you turn around and the clothes are replaced with something different because the ghost has a better fashion sense than you LOL!

  2. The sex shop one made me laugh. I’d totally read a book about that. One I think would be interesting is a super store being haunted. Just hearing a ghostly “25% oooooff.” going down the aisles.

  3. Hahahaha I haven’t read such a book ever terror in sex shop. I need to be bold to read horror and then to imagine horror in common place πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ

    1. Hahah having worked at one sex shop I know we have some crazy stuff. But now imagining THAT be haunted gave me the giggles xd
      Though one time the camera saw a random ball of light flying in the middle of the night- only one caught it and never cane back πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

        1. Woops πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no its supper time here ahahah nothing else happened apart the door opening itself, which was mostly the wind. No paranormal activity there

  4. Bwahahaha a sex shop Kristina??? This is just brilliant with your flying penises!!! You made me laugh so hard! Now you have set the bad high for blogoween! I begin next week …

  5. LMAO a haunted sex shop would be WAY too funny – but also a little terrifying? If we’re distracted by how funny it is, how would we know if our companions go missing? I would DEFINITELY read a book containing a haunted sex shop though, LOL.

    One that would be fun would be a bookstore – as a bookworm constantly reading, we’d never know if a book got moved around, haha. Or a ghostly voice trailing us, commenting about all of the books we get. “Look, this is a horrible title – what makes you think this is funny? Why are you even getting this book? Readers these days, HMPH!” πŸ˜‚

    1. Mmmh. Good point, good point. Haha yep so do I! One of us should write something ..

      Hahaha right! Books dissapearing to reappear a week later. And murmurs of « donn’t buy that one !!! It’s a crappy one!!Β Β» followed by « here. Take this one insteadΒ Β» and another fall off the shelf πŸ˜‚

    1. Reading this I almost spat my coffee ahahah
      I am trying to create a spoiky sexshop story but alas… the idea fly me by and I dont know what to do with it πŸ˜‚

    1. I think I heard of a haunted lighthouse before !! One thing for sure, having visited some in my lifetime – yikes!! Takes a while to escape … specially if you are anywhere near the top xD

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