An Excuse for Murder ~ Vanessa Westermann ☆ Review

**Disclamer: I did received a copy of this book from the author for review purpose. This had in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it.**


Good Morning,

It had been a while since i’ve accepted a review request, but this one looked interesting to me as it was a debut crime novel, by an author who’s currently on Canadian soil (fellow canadian!!). Adding to that; one of the main character owning a bookstore, with of course the premise of love surrounding a murder have me wanting to read that!

Published on March 20th 2019, by The Wild Rose Press


Goodread page

4 / 5 stars 


This novel started as a pretty difficult read for me, for some reason my brain was not quite picking on the words and the story’s setting.. However, after a certain scene (no spoiler!) it all became so much more interresting! I kept thinking about the book while awake; where the story will lead me to, what would the tie between our two main characters become.. who is that guy ?!

Although it started confusing, I quite liked having the dual-POV between Gary and Kate – so we could have the Murderer’s mind, aswell as a regular someone who just happends to be “in the way”. While being a voracious reader herself, she’s a fierce one and absolutely refuse to let some knight in shining armor do the work for her.


While the “revelation twist” was somewhat predictable – I mean, that usually gets known in thriller/crime books, it took me absolutely by surprise. I was open-mouthed stunned, even nearly crying when Gary explained the whole thing.. wondering what the impact of such an information would have in the story and their relationship.

Watching the details unfolds and the whole stories being told at the end left me teary eyed at times, things around the mysteries along the book that I wouldn’t had guessed personally. While it ended the way I wanted to, with a promise for more on Gary’s part, I would’ve loved to see Gary & Kate together one last time.

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