Book community; WP vs Tumblr

Heey !

So, as you know – I was over on tumblr before joining here. What’s the difference between the two book community ? Maybe you were thinking about joining the tumblr side of it, but were not quite sure ? I’ll try to answer this by listing what I particularly like from both sides 🙂

Yes, I love both of our book community and will stay in both of them. ❤

Tumblr side

º Bookish pictures are easily shared.

º There’s no schedule needed, you can share as many things and “speak” with fellow bookworms as much as you want ! You get a random question you wanna ask? you can do so right away !

º Challenges & readathons ! Of course, I have my favorite people over there aswell, and you can see many bookish picture challenges, questions of the day/weeks, 24hours readathons .. members on that side is quite heavily involved with each other.

º As reblogs are a thing, it’s a bit easier as you don’t really need to think ahead of “okay, what do I want/need to post today” – you can just jump right in and give some love to someone else bookish pictures/reply to questions.. etc.

º let’s face it .. it’s also less time consuming xD writing posts here can take me a few hours to write and prep and everything.

º easier for people to follow/sub to. As for wordpress, you need an account or by email – if you don’t wanna have either, you are basically stuck. As of tumblr, many have an account there already.


WordPress side

º If you particularly love writting, you can write a post as long as you want! Unlike tumblr, here everything is your very own and nobody will say your post is too lenghty .. 😜

º Discord chats ! Tied with our other social medias (twitter, IG, fb…), I have four “groups” of fellow book lovers or fellow bloggers; everybody encouraging others with their posts and questions !

º Planning is easier. when you know which day you wanna post – you can just plan a bunch ahead of time ! (granted you have the ideas, ahah)

º Comment junction @ elgee writes! people here are also involved ; just in a different way.

º Different kinds of challenges ! This time more writting & sharing/explaining. We have memes (ie: Int. bloggers), top 5s, WWW & sundays recap posts (ithink?)

º This website is yours ! you can custom it as much as you want (although limited on the free one..) add pluggins, themes .. many other stuff you just can’t with a tumblr page.


perks when together !

º Diversity ! different people are on different sites, and thus the interactions/challenges will differ.

º As tumblr is easier for people to find you, sharing your WP posts over there automatically will allow different people that maybe wouldn’t have visited otherwise.

º Also; if people who don’t wanna create a WP account nor having it by emails – with your WP posts being over there too they can easily follow your posts aswell and keep being updated. With the plus that tumblr as an ask/IM system, it can also be a way for them to interract with you in more ways than only follows & comments.

Yes, I am aware there are other books communities aswell (IG, Blogger, wix..) But frankly, as I am not in thoses, I cannot give you my opinion and what I find is « pros » with them.

Additionnally, if there’s a « pro », there shall have a « con » aswell to balance .. It’s up to you if you find them worth it or not, and that’s totally fine if it differs from others’ ! 😊


Are you a part of thoses community ? which ones ?

What’s something you really like about thoses ?

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