Bookish Christmas Book tag!


It still sounds surreal to me how Christmas is only 4days away now; 6 before my birthday.. yep – we started the countdown!

As I was searching for a Christmas tag to do today, I actually found one I was actually tagged in! 😂 Surprising, eh? Thanks to Jamsu @ Jamsu Dreams for the tag!


Father Christmas: Name a book you received as a child that you treasure to this day

I can’t think of anything… I don’t remember having gotten books when I was a child, or that I’ve received and kept all theses years.


The Ghost of Christmas Past: Is there a book or series you like to revisit each year at Christmas time?

No.. Although I love revisiting books, I don’t really do seasonal reads, So it didn’t really happened that I read a book multiple time for Christmas season specifically.


Christmas Tree: Name a series that reaches new heights with every entry.

I don’t read many series, as we all know; But i’m gonna go with “The Celestial Creatures” by Olga Gibbs. I’ve read the final tome this year and just.. Ariel went through so much and got so powerful !!! It was definately an emotional read to finally have an end to this serie I loved so much.


Friends and Family: Name a book with fantastic characters.

Of course now I need it I barely remember anything 🥲  but i’d go with the “cockleberry bay” serie by Nicola May! Specially for little Hot – ehehe..


Decorations: Name a book with a gorgeous cover you would proudly display on your shelves.  Struggling with this one ATM


Christmas Cards: Name a book that carries a great message.

I wanna say “10 Blind Dates” for this.. The Grandma’s final date and her meaning behind everything had me just weeping. Also the realization that sometimes what you want (like an ex) is not always good for you, and there’s always better.


Ice and Snow: Name a book that you were hoping to love but which ultimately left you feeling cold.

I’m gonna go with the last Guillaume Musso book i’ve read, “La fille de Brooklyn”. I used to love him so much – but this book was just.. average. I had fun reading it, but it wasn’t a WOW book either.


Christmas Lunch: Name a book that was big and intimidating but oh so worth it in the end.

Again, I don’t read too massive book – but “Hello I wanna die, please fix me” is probably the closest. I thought this book had 600pages because of my small iPhone screen, instead of the 354 pages it actually had..


Mince Pies: Name a book you found sweet and satisfying.

Ooof there’s so many, The last one that i’ve read had been “10 Blind Dates”. As it’s already been an answer, “Emergency Contact” would be the next one.


Presents: What book do you wish you could give everyone to read?

As I answered in another tag, I keep thinking that the duo “Notes on a Nervous Planet/Reasons to Stay Alive” would be the best book to give after this year.


Spreading the Festive Cheer: Tag some friends to help spread the festive bookish love.

I’m gonna do the usual and keep it open; if you feel like doing a Christmas tag and/or wanna do this one — consider yourself tagged by me!



Christmas tags are sadly so hard for me to answer, so I hope you’d like my answers for this one! 😅 Please share some of your answers with me! xx

What book(s) would you wanna give this year?


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