Bujo post & news ~ May/June

Good morning!

Yet again another month is starting – i’m happy that we have gotten most warm days lately, albeit lots of rain too.. and only a fewer colder days.


May’s overall feeling;

I’ve been feeling mostly good this month! Though i’ve gotten some bothering feeling in my legs/ankle when i’m laying down to sleep- so it’s getting harder for me to fall asleep 🤦🏽‍♀️ I’ve been taking some magnesium along with my allergy meds so hopefully it’ll start getting better on that font. Our city had been reinforcing “No mow May” to help save the bees, so you can imagine my allergies has been through the roof, but what you wanna do 😅

This month, i’ve been more into gaming mode rather than reading.. ofcourse i’d still read before bed most days — but i’m still more wiered on gaming i’d find.



May’s events;

♥ I’ve finished two books this month, finalising my Spring tbr! Both has been from my shelves – Star-Crossed” Anxious People“.

Moving onto 12 books out of my goal of 20 for the year; 10 books for #BeatTheBacklist, & 1 for my audiobook challenge.


♥ Only one Sunday’s chat has been published this month, Sheik’s Birthday“. We also shared three mental health posts; Living with depression; overboard feelings, “Blogging with Anxiety; feeling like a broken record” My anxiety comfort items.



Coming up in June;

I will finally get my 1st covid shot on June 1st!!! I’m so excited to finally be getting it- our province also published their plan to get into the “Green” phase by the 2nd of August.. I’m not sure how I feel about that. The possibility that we end the pandemic on our side of things this close seems unreal, and i’m not sure i’d be willing to remove my mask just yet (although I will admit that I miss wearing my lipsticks).



June’s bullet pages; 

I decided to keep the “scrapbook” feel for this month too – going with a fluorescent orange & glittery blue. Nothing is planned except for my Covid Shot this month.

The quote I picked says; “Sensitive people should be treasured. They love deeply & think deeply about life. They are loyal, honest & true. The simple things often means the most to them. They don’t need to change or harden, their purity makes them who they are.” 


Opposed to my doodle blog pages, I kinda like the simpler look of circles/squares along with the scrap paper & stickers.



Do you have anything planned for this new month?




  1. ooof I feel you on the spring allergies! I’ve been fully vaccinated for a couple weeks and still wear a mask whenever I leave the house, so you’re definitely not alone on that either. no solid plans for this month (which is half over at this point, haha, where did the time go) but hoping to hang out with some of my high school friends as they come home from college/uni for the summer!

    1. Ohh that’d be so great, i hope you can see them xx
      I had my 1st two weeks ago, & mother has gotten her second shot — they’re planning the whole mask removal in august but errrh, i bet you neither mother nor I will remove it right away (though omg its gonna be so wierd to work without it !! Glasses, headset AND mask is kinda harsh on the ears..)

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