Bullet Pages; March, April & May 2023

Good morning everyone,

Right before I wrap up how January was for me, itā€™s time to show you my Bullet Pages for the next three months. Coincidally, The birthday of my kids are all lined up ā€“ one in each of the following months šŸ˜…Ā Absolutely not rigged! I got my two dachshunds as March & May, and when I adopted Majora he just sortof happened to be 12weeks, which would bring us somewhere in April.

Odd coincidence that makes me think he was meant to be with us!


March pages;

As Spring usually comes with rainy weather, thatā€™s the theme that I went with for March! I used two different shades of blue, one looking vaguely more like a purple. Kafeiā€™s birthday is this month, my elder doxie will be 9 already! šŸ„¹

The quote for this month is the following,Ā Ā« Nothing that bring you joy is trivial, or a waste of time. Joy is a serious business, and you deserve it in your life Ā»


April Pages;

I wasnā€™t too sure what to do for this one- I usually do stuff related to either easter or april fools? but this time I went with flowers. My Lily on the bottom of the blog planningā€™s page is really badly drawn šŸ˜‚Ā but thatā€™s alright.. this time I went with two shades of purple, one being written over with black ink pen. This month, itā€™s Majora turning 1 ā€“ No longer being a baby kitty!!Ā Approx. date, as we donā€™t truly know when he was born as heā€™s a rescue.

The quote for April is: Ā« Ring the bell that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a creack in everything. Thatā€™s how the light gets in. Ā»



May pages;Ā 

Personally, I like those ones the least.. again I didnā€™t really had any insight on what to do- and my ladybug is really botched up šŸ¤£Ā Though, colorized I find the drawings on the second page kinda looks like patches you iron on jeans and such! Samewise for the colors, I decided to pick a purple & yellow. Mayā€™s my middle childā€™s 8th birthday!

I picked only a fraction of the whole message, but hereā€™s the quote:Ā Ā« Remember that you must allow people to love you, to be kind to you, to help you. Not everyone is going to be toxic for you; donā€™t push them away, let them stay. Ā»


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