Christmas Changes Discussion Post

Good morning, y’all!

Today we’re hitting it with my third Bookending Winter post; This time, we are gonna do Danielle @ PoetryBooksYA‘s post for the 10th of December. [Her post right here]

Christmas Changes Discussion Post
We always wait until New Year’s to make our resolutions, but why not start at Christmas? What’s one thing (or several things) you want to change about your Christmas season this year?


Where to start – there’s a lot of things i’d love to change about how we celebrate Christmas in our home. But also for me, when we talk about Christmas, we also talk about my birthday a mere two days afterward [Dec 27th] ; it’s sort of glued together xd


Starting with a gathering of some sort; wether it’s with family or friends it doesn’t matter – that’s probably what I miss the most about my younger Christmas’ memories. My grandmother on dad’s side has 13 kids (12 alive); Although a lot of them are scattered around the globe, I remember being quite a bunch at her house – uncles with aunts and their kids (atleast one each.. it’s a BIG FAMILY)

We could spend time waiting for midnight by playing games and maybe a possible gift exchange?? Though that’s what we somewhat are doing (wii bowling, mainly – along with drinking).. but it’s kinda different with only three members 😂 as of which, all living in the same house.


✧ On the subjects of gifts.. I really shall;
A) Start my gift shopping WAY earlier in the year.. avoiding the way-too-busy-for-me malls and the headache of trying to find something among all the people there and not finding what you want or need and just.. stress about not being ready for christmas 🙃
B) Figure out what I want for Christmas/my birthday and NOTE THEM way earlier too. And NO- don’t just buy them yourself, girl xd (Something other than games and books, ideally *aherm*)


Maybe I shall give a try to Christmas stories/books around Mi-November? I honestly haven’t gave them a try yet, but they could possibly give a boost to my Christmas Spirit.. and Oh would it be needed.


If the weather could be anything else than snowstorms.. that’d be good too 🙈 I get the white christmas part, and being canadian and all but erhm. try to do anything exciting when it’s snowing so hard outside that everything is closed/can’t do nothing – ahah!



What are some things that you would like to change?
Anything on my list that you’re satisfied about?
Do you have any christmas books recs for me?


  1. My mom loves Christmas and every year goes all out with different theme trees and greenery everywhere. It’s gorgeous and amazing. I’ll help her trim the trees but she’s the force behind getting it all done. This year she’s not her normal self so what will have to change is I’ll have to step up and be the one gett8ng it done!

  2. I am bad at resolutions. I just end up winging it. The only major thing in RL is getting my weight off so it stops impacting my autoimmune stuff so much. which means getting out more and reading less which is really hard for me to do because READING

    1. Yep, iknow what you means .. I tried to get some exercice going just to be more energetic and i’m pretty failing 😂👀 ((i’m so low energy .. erh- too tired from my workday and I just nope))

      Goodluck ❤️❤️
      On my side, my main RL one shall be to pass my driver test 😅 currently doing the practicing & in-cars

  3. Well, you get a white Christmas at least 😉 I dislike snow so I’m glad we don’t get that most Christmasses. We have 2 days of Christmas, your boxing day is our second Christmas day. However, most shops are open since a few years, maybe five or so.

    One radio station starts playing Christmas songs at the end of November and that’s something I would like to change, because it’s just all the same songs over and over until December 26.

    1. Well white christmas.. it was green until yesterday actually ahah 😂 it might melt all before the 24th, ahaha — yeah boxing day everything is usually closed, all open back on my birthday the 27th, so all hell goes loose with discounts and the people everywhere 🤦🏽‍♀️

      Oh my god yeah.. the worst after christmas songs is the same ones on repeat!

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