My struggles as a Mood reader

Helloo !

I finally am writing this post, after having it on the back of my brain for a month probaby.. 😂 Following « my struggles as a new book blogger » and « my struggle as an international blogger », here’s my conversation post of our struggles as a mood reader.

First of all, What is a mood reader? you may think.

Let me answer that for you my dear, very simple. You see, mood readers are followers of the heart; in a way that we read what our heart & soul is wanting to read at that very moment, not what’s more important or what need to be reviewed soon. Thus, if one fail to follow what’s dictated to us, our reading will be less quick & entertaining at this moment.


As you probably would think, we like to live dangerously, as it can lead us to some problems.. 😂 And I am here to voice what kind of problems we can face.


1) reading slumps are more frequent;

Some of us have very specific moods for what kind of books we wanna read, even if some times we don’t even know what we are in mood for ! As a result, nothing seems to appeal to us enough for wanting to read it. We end up in putting too many books on hold and result in an infame reading slump ! Either until we found what we were in the mood for, or until the said mood switch to something else.


2) reading too many books at once .. ;

Say you are reading something that have a due date, may it be a library book or one you gotta review before X, When suddently you get this want to read something else. What do you do ? You start another one .. before finishing the previous one and panic as you have now 3 books going in the same time and you only have so many time left .. 😖

(yep.. that may or may not be me right now ..)


3) Unfinished reads .. 

Even if we do feel bad (or not!) about DNFing a book, when your mood change drastically in the middle of a book… it seems like you don’t have any choice other than just put it back on your shelf and take a new one; for thoses of us who can’t juggle more than one book at the time.


4) Unable to stick to “Montly tbr” ;

We see many bloggers on here who do thoses fancy monthly to be reads that they wanna get through in the next or current month. While this is very neat and handy.. This is just not really possible for us! As we have no idea in what mood we are gonna be next, nor how specific it will be, it’s definately a big time more harder. And let face it, also a bit bad on our ego ..


5) What to read next ??

Hands in hands with our previous one, we don’t have a tbr to stick with; so how do we decide what to pick next ?? Shall we go for something we know is due soon, or shall we pick something we think we are in the mood for ? What about something we have or something new ? The struggle is real .. also the process might be longer, as we need to figure out what we want…

Sometimes even browsing in a book store thinking “Okay, Im in the mood for a thriller..” you can check 100 of books that fit that, when really… not what you are looking for. Which is exactly what happened to me last time ! 😔



What about you, are you a mood reader ?

Is there any other struggles that I forgot ?

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