End of February, Start of March! 🌧

Good morning!

aand we are done with the smallest month of the year! Going forward to the third month of 2019.. wow, crazy how time passes eh? While in the same time … “only” the third month of the year 🤔

So let’s see what got accomplished in February, Shall we?

Habit Tracker

*aherm* While in some category I did do pretty good, some we wonder while I still put it if it stays rather empty every. time. (looking at the weein’s part) — For my defense, their food do help brush their teeth, and we had lot of snow and freezing rain so the road is all ice and even them don’t wanna go out. Plus I don’t wanna slip or take the chance Sheik slip and make her limp again .. 


February’s Events!

❥ So, This month we were having both Valentine’s day AND Alex’s birthday! (just like mine and christmas) — We went to eat at restaurents for both of them, you can read his version of Valentine’s if you wanna know more about it; and for his birthday I finally got him a bottle of perfume, the same one he wore at our first date! His has gone dry and he needed a new one – man that specific fragrance has been hell to find, let me tell you! I finally ordered it online on the 5th and got So. Lucky. to get it the day-of after I had finished working.

❥ This month, I finished three books; The Blood Prince by Josie Jaffrey that I had started last month, Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig aswell as my forth tome in my Aurélie Laflamme diary-like serie I was rereading in french.

❥ On the blog, we’ve had TWO author’s events aswell ! Both very well-loved authors from me; A blog tour for the Blood Prince, last book in my beloved serie 😭, and I also did a Cover Reveal for Hallow by Olga Gibbs.

❥ I’ve also got accepted on Netgalley to read “Fierce Fragile Hearts” — Which will probably be what I’ll be reading next.

❥ Ive dyed my hair again! I bleached ~half of my hair from the bottom and intended to have a “non-permanant” flashy purple in it … and ehh it didn’t went purple at all XD It ended up in a reddish/auburn 🤷🏽‍♀️ Doesn’t look bad but it wasn’t what I had wanted ; now making it fade off to have only the bleach part (which looks like a “dirty fox” color on my hair) and just keep it like that for a while.

❥ Also I almost forgot to update on my fingernail incident of last month! i’m happy to report that it doesn’t hurt anymore, the nail has fallen and it’s now grown halfway already! yees!


Blogging love!

⫸ Gayathri @ Elgee Writes shared with us a commenting etiquette! Are you following it?

⫸ Sophie @ Beware of the Reader asked us if publishing house should choose the “big” blogs only; what do you think?

⫸ Laura @ Lavrax London shared The rules and importance of our engagement for content creators.

⫸ Lottie @ Lottie Is Writing, revisited her 5 essentials steps to write a book review and also did her 5 essentials steps to write a blog post

⫸ Beth @ Book Nest also shared how to get visitors on our blog! I personally love all the blog posts with helpful tips like this (in case you haven’t noticed yet ahah)

⫸ Isabelle @ Bookwyrm Bites also gave us some tips and tricks for Goodreads, did you knew thoses already? There was indeed a few that I didn’t!


Now, Onto March!

I had originally went for all flashy green- but it was a bit too flashy and un-readable xD so I went for a two-colored theme flashy green & metallic forest green. I’ve also forgotten to include that March 21st is my oldest Dachshunds’ birthday!! He’s gonna be 5years old 🐶


Same as usual, but I modified the “walk the weeins” for including when I take them out of the house (ie; when I bring them to petshops) to be more including as i am totally failing that..


This is where most of my change occured ; One, I got rid of the Red & Orange theme to fit the months’ color. And second, I now put the “tagged” section beside my “post ideas” as i’m not tagged in much stuff anymore – so having the whole page beside it was kind of dissapointing 😅


Lastly, here’s what my weekly looks like ; i’m not too too happy with how the flashy green is looking (I’ve had to double pass with my pen) and how the forest-y green is shadowing from the other side of the page but well… it’ll have to do for now I guess


And that’s it for me! What is your February looking like?
Anything important happened? xx



  1. It looks like the last February of the 2010s went well for you! I’m glad your fingernail is all healed up and I think your hair looks wonderful.

  2. Seems like you had a great month! Hopefully, March will be great too. xx
    I’m loving your new hair! My god, it looks so amazing!
    Also, I love your Journal! It looks so pretty.

      1. ohh, it looks so cool.
        My cousin has coloured her hair quite similar to yours and they look so pretty too!
        I think I’l get something like this done too…

  3. indeed, how is it (almost) March already?

    I hope you and Alex had great Valentine’s and birthday dates 💕 and that he appreciates how much work you put in to find that specific fragrance for him 😉

    the two tones of green look really good together! I love the contrast, though I totally relate to the struggle of dealing with darker colors ghosting through the page … it still looks great though!

    thank you for the pingback, too! *makes note to tag you in ALL the things*

  4. Once more I love your journal pages! (And also once more I had to swoop past the fingernail pic lol) Also! I decided to join the Hallow Book tour after reading your cover reveal post!

    1. Yas!! That makes me super happy that it’s partly because of me!! 😄
      Ahaha sorry,, that shall be the last of that fingernail 😂 as its mostly grown by now

  5. I love your post!!! Your Hair is so pretty and glad our fingernail doesn’t hurt anymore. Since feb was so hectic for me , i didn’t bloghop as much as i normally do . So thanks for compling the amazing posts. (No comment on bujo since i don’t have any orientation between eyes and hands . So i love every bujo u do❤). Have a great march kristina

    1. No problem dear 💕
      Ah, you should! Thoses are pretty popular at summer time, mind you, i had bought a kit for a whole purple/blue ombre 😂😂 and finally I ended up just doing it like this (thanksfully! As we see now how the purple ended up..)

  6. *will be tagging you in so many things when I get round to doing the tags* Aaaah I love your bujo updates, also love helpful blog posts anything which falls into the guides/advice category I love. I still need to read Josie’s book. I feel super bad at it but wow my slump is still here and when I read it – I want to be able to enjoy it without the freaking slump here being rude. *sniffs*

    But yay your nail has started to grow back which is awesome! Hope you have a great March love <3

    1. Ah, I strongly understand! Don’t feel bad ❤️❤️ YES same!! Gimme allll the tips & advices!!

      Wishing you an amazing march aswell xx and for that slump to gtfo!

  7. Thanks for the shoutout Kristina! And I always admire your blog plans! I am really a klutz as far as that’s concerned!!!

  8. Wow, you sound like you get up to a fair bit in a month! That nail doesn’t look comfortable but good thing it’s on the mend!

    I’m thinking of trying out some cover reveals but I dunno what I’m meant to do etc. Any tips?

    1. The tip feels kind of wierd as it had hardened to not hurt everytime I touch it XD but hey, it’s growing!

      Mmh, I’ve only done one cover reveal as far. I just explained how excited I was as I had read the first book, gave the buying links, showed the cover with my thoughts on it and lastly, I included the blurb of what the book is about… that’s pretty much it. If you’re scared of not including something important, you can always ask the person in charge of the cover reveal! They’ll be happy to help you 🙂

  9. Everytime I see your bujo posts, I get inspired again. I’ve been using mine again because of you, even if I’m not using it daily anymore. But this does remind me to finish drawing out my March layout!

    I’m glad to hear you had a good February!

  10. oh funny I was working on my BuJo’s March cover when I came to visit you. I love BuJO posts! (IDK why I never post one lol) You at you with all the trackers! I never keep up with mine (sobs) That’s why you are so productive! I’m glad to hear your nail doesn’t’ hurt anymore!

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