End of September, Early October 🍂

Heeya !

Eeeeek, Blogoween is more near than ever; and I am so pumped to be participating in this. Shoutout to all the nice hosts who’s giving us some prompt ideas because guys.. I don’t think I could come up with much, ahaha. As you’ve seen in my Oct. tbr, i’ve chosen some books in themes so my reviews can count – and I have a fall tag saved so far, but I think the rest shall be blogoween prompts, I heart characters prompts, and I wanna do a micro review too as Lauren tagged me in one this month. Oooh but you might see the start of my creepy pasta reviews !! Would be the idea month to start them, wouldn’t it?

Before Blogoween though, let’s see how my September went, shall we?

September’s Habit tracker ;

So this month .. I do think that it looks quite better than my past month’s habit tracker, though I got a few blogging slumps in turn of returning comments. I did walked the weeins a few times as it started to get fresh again, but I also need more work on that side of things ; No worries, mom took them for a walk without me too, like when I was working and such.

September’s Events ;

 ☾ I finished three books again !! Yippeee! I did & edited my blog tour’s review of “In Servitude”, and attacked two books on my deadlines that has been on it the longest; “angels can’t swim”, the review request, and the french arc of “When Dimple met rishi” from NetGalley France.

☾ Talking of thoses, I’m back at 80% rating on NetGalley as I gave them my review of When dimple met rishi; which was the only that was there for 3months + !! I’m getting back on track, the only one remaining from my overdue list shall be “The general theory of haunting”, and if all has been well I shall be reading it right this moment – and after that I only have a last one I just asked for this month for blogoween. And i’m done !!! Yeah, I won’t ask that many arcs again … or accept too many review requests, phew.

☾  I posted my first bilingual (fr/eng) review, which was well accepted !! So i’m thinking it should be a regular thing for books that have both languages out while the rest shall be the normal english only. It makes my reviews differents and not all the same – which I quite like.

☾ I have good news regarding the weeins !! Prior to this month, I was using a grain-free canadian food named “Acana”; While it’s a really good brand and all, Kafei was getting picky and we had to constantly force him to eat.. and he was kind of chubby for a dachshund, which you should know it’s really bad as it put pressure on their unsupported long spine.

I then decided to switch to a brand of food from the vet that helps brushing the teeth as it’s “bigger balls” and they need to munch on them alot, while also having all the vitamins and nutriments they need added inside them. Since the switch, he has became so much more hyper !! He’ll play with his sister, and pick toys up so much more often; you should see him go !! He also surprisingly really love thoses, and even go to the pantry door and will cry for his supper around our usual feeding time (He’ll get 1/2cup twice a day and sheik get 1cup twice a day). Two weeks after the switch, I weighted us and my boy went from 17.19lbs to 16.7lbs !!! Still a bit to get off him, but a tiny curve on his butt has appeared and doesn’t look as chubby as he used to. Hurray!! Sheik is so active, that on her side, she remains at 18.7lbs and it never change; though she do weight more than him, she has a really nice shape !! Since she got sick a year ago she is so thin .. Though she’s back to her old energic self. Almost too tiny for me, but problem is I don’t wanna force her to gain weight and we then have the problem of her being too big afterward, you know ? xD

I got my blood donor’s card in the mail from last month’s first time I went giving blood ! And with that a big surprise.. for some reasons I always thought I was O+ like dad’s, turns out nope. I’m actually A+ like mom !! That was an odd thing I couldn’t wrap my head around 😂 Though I digged in some baby stuff and yep, there it was all along! I just had always been told I had dad’s blood type, so I felt like my life had been a lie a bit ahaha I really felt strongly for that blood type. (wierd, eh?)

☾ I’ve been job hunting but alas… got the interviews and nothing back. Though i gotta say I got a wierd thing happening xD two weeks after an interview I got an email saying she wanted me to call for schedule my training… while I haven’t had heard anything from them since ?? and had NOT accepted nor denied anything or even had a job offer ?? 😲 After a while I asked her 8 basics questions (how much per hour/how many hour a shift/how many hours a week/if training paid/etc.) and she flat out ignored them and said they were gonna go another direction and wished me goodluck. I had never seen anything like it before..

Edit; I had an interview for Second Cup (coffee shop) on Thursday, and I got the job!!😘 As you are reading this I shall be on my first shift ; I was starting at 730 am up until 1pm today.

The month’s love sharing ! ;

° Clo @ Book Dragons gave us the blogoween prompts list, aswell as a nice post onto book translations & knowing english. She also participated on a guest post @ Book Dragonism with rain about some blogging do’s and dont’s !

° Aimee @ aimee always gave us some neat tips for blog engagements !

° Darina @ facing the story explains to us how she pick her next books she wanna read.

° Alexia @ bookworm daydreamer gives us her reasons why she’ll start DNF-ing books, and why you should probably do so aswell.

° Sophie @ Beware the reader gives you some recs (5) for first-readers in the fantasy genre! None of my first two fantasy books are there, but as always her post is awesome as F and super funny !

° Gayathri @ Elgee writes shares how she (and others) can follow you and your blog !

° Over @ it started with “rebecca”, she’s showing some basic BuJo spreads for beginners — and they are so lovely !

October’s spread ! 

I haven’t finished decorating or placing my quotes yet, but here’s how my month calander looks like. Nothing super fancy; but Alex, myself and my parents shall go to my Uncle’s wedding on the 13th !! It’s back home, so we have a bit of driving (6hours back and forth), aswell as his first time meeting a piece of my family AND the city i’m from – which is majorly french speaking. ahah we shall have fun !

Same model of habit tracker as last month, nothing to explain here.

Look how cute my tiny bat drawing looks like !! Like I said, One fresh Netgalley, and a review request. From now on let’s try to keep it to 2/3 per month on this page so I don’t get as much overdue again x) and hopefully fit some of my own novels from my shelf once in a while in the mix too.

As It’s halloween, I tried to do a pumpkin patch design… yeah. It looks like apples xD woops. Oh well.

Lastly, a look onto what my weeks looks like. I’m still somewhat struggling with how to make my thursdays fit… merp.

Have you discovered any new BuJo pages you like lately?

Anything exciting coming for you in October?

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