How I turned into the dark side..💀

Heey little ghosts!

It’s finally october– which we all know it’s time to get SPOOKY!! As I read someone’s story of their slow introduction to horror [ofcourse I forgot to like it, so I need to do some digging to find them again 😓], I thought I could share my story too! As believe it or not, I’m not apart of thoses who’ve always liked horror – I was quite the scared human too!


Related; Let’s talk about the horror genre & What scares you in fiction


Growing up

It seemed like all of my friends were into horror at a very young age.. but I wasn’t. My bestfriend used to make fun of me because I couldn’t even go as far as the introduction menu of the dvd 🤣 The only one I was able to watch with her had been Silent Hill (2006), as it was not as scary as much as gory, and she made fun of one particular scene with the mannequins. (I do still remember this movie to this day, but with nostalgia now)

Another one that I remember, was one of the Amityville movie, although I don’t know which particular version it was — We were home alone and it was playing on tv so I thought we could watch it to try and be like my friends.. We had made popcorn and it was in daytime; and yet I manage to make all the popcorn fly in the air as a jumpscare happened I still can’t remember if I reacted this way on purpose or not , and I was scared of taking a bath for like a year afterward 😅

Furthermore, my dad was the first one to enjoy thoses real-life ghost aventures shows.. and I remember hearing just the sound from afar of said show and being scared. Ironically, I grew up to LOVE thoses shows too- going as far as watching them right before sleep without any problems.


Slowly but surely

Late teens/early adulthood is when I got tired of being so scared of everything. I was big on watching gaming youtubers doing let’s plays at the time – so obviously I decided to start with watching other people play horror videogames as a sort of introduction to the more heavyduty horror movies. As I state on a past post, I loved Silent hill & resident evil series — I can’t tell you how many time i’ve watched different people play Silent hill downpour Resident Evil 4. I was also a big fan of the Amnesia franchise to watch.

To this day I still can’t play thoses games however 🤣 Not that I didn’t try.. I own Resident evil revelations on my 3ds, along with the amnesia trilogy on steam & Resident evil 4 on my wii. I just.. can’t go further than a few minutes before I get full on scared and can’t continue.


From that point, being more comfortable watching thoses, I made a point to watch more horror movies. I can’t say that I watched that much of them, as i’m still missing some big franchise like final destinations — my favorites are Jennifer’s body, The cabin in the woods & The conguring franchise. My genre of horror being the paranormal kind more than the zombies apocalyptic/gory kind.


My slow progress surely payed off! I’m not scared of much now, in my late 20s 😄 and I genuinely enjoy watching horror stuff now, despite the fact that I still can’t play them, ahah. I only have yet to read the horror genre, despite loving mystery thrillers, I just.. can’t seem to find books that i’m enjoying yet?? granted I haven’t tried out that many & gotten lots of good horror recs within the blogosphere – i’m just kinda scared for now..

Related; Is horror book not for me?



What kind of people are you- have you always loved the horror genre? 


  1. I’m pretty picky when it comes to horror – there are some that I’ll be perfectly fine watching (like Squid Game and the blood and gore throughout) or even fascinated, but then there are some out there you wouldn’t see me touch with a ten foot pole. (Or I’ll touch it a little but chicken out like a third of the way through. I think that tends to happen more with supernatural horror involving ghosts and demons with jump scares.) And yet for books I’m typically fine with them as long as I’m not reading it at night.

    1. That’s fair. Reading is much different than seeing it right away that’s for sure!

      I watched only 2eps of squid game.. and I got bored with all the blabla inbetween 😅 just show me the game already. Mother finished watching it as I was working 🤷🏽‍♀️

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