I didn’t know I needed this ~ Eli Rallo ☆ Book review


After doing so good on my Autumn TBR I decided to take a break and get back to Non-fiction, so I picked this one off libby about relationships & dating! Some bouts of it made me think of my relationship with my ex, and some informations is good to keep in mind while being back to dating & FB meeting..


4 / 5 stars


 * Stopped at 65%

The book not being at fault, but it took me quite some time to read this one.. as I read before drifting off to sleep after my sleeping medication, Non-fictions just tend to make me sleep faster 😅 Yep, even true crime.. and the chapters were so long.

I got quite a lots of good quotes on this one, some things I do need to keep in mind personally. The book is genuinely cut in 3 parts: Part 1 (rules for single, rules for dating apps, rules for flirting, date 1 &2), part 2 (date 3,4 & 5, rules for sex, rules for relationships), and lastly part 3 (rulesfor heartbreak, rules for being ghosted, and the after).


Reading this, i feel like I didn’t experienced as much as I should- the weight of having 3 fur babies already makes dating feel tight (what if he don’t like or is allergic to dogs? Or cats?). The fact that i’m out of school/college and have a small work environment without men also makes things harder.. despite being an outsider job where we speak to customers all day, i’m more of an inside person- which obviously trying to date a customer is hard to introduce! (Can be taken as creepy in both sides, really..). Having to resorts to dating apps does seems wierd to me, as pointed in the book- why is it so taboo when it’s now a normal part of society?

I don’t recall having done 3 « real » dates before being a couple with Alex, though I do understand the wait & need to be sure we’re compatible as well as seeing all of them in different light- definately will use coming forward.



“You deserve someone who WANTS to be with you, not someone you have to convince to be with you. The right person would never put you in a position where you find yourself begging.”

“A lack of response may mean a variety of things, but it doesn’t make you undesirable, or wierd, or unworthy.”

“Sending a text can and will not change someone’s mind about you. They already know how they feel, as do you. Either they’re interrested or they’re not. You texting them does not change this.” 

“If you’re on a first date with the right person, nothing will stand in the way of a second date. (…) With the right person, you doing what you want to do is the sexiest choice you can make.” 

“Remember that you’re worth it. That you’re interesting and sexy and cool.”

“Besides, you’d never want to be with someone who found it annoying that you texted them. You’d never want to be with someone who made you feel anxious about reaching out.”

“There is no shortage of good people; we just hear about the bad ones with the most appalling volume.”

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