Iā€™ll get around to it later ~ book tag

Good morning!

I wasnā€™t tagged, but I found it on Leslieā€™s blog @Books are the new black; as I was working yesterday and also it had been a while since I did a tag.. thought it was a good idea šŸ˜™ This one is about books on my TBR- so hereā€™s my SG to-read pile of my owned TBR if youā€™d be interrested of checking the entirety of it (thereā€™s a total of 25 books)


The Rules:

  1. Link back toĀ the original post at Quote, UnquoteĀ so the creator can read your answers.
  2. Link back to the post of the person who tagged you and thank them.
  3. You may use the included graphic anywhere in your post, but you donā€™t have to.Ā 
  4. Fill in all seven categories.
  5. You can either leave this tag open so anyone can do it or tag up to seven people.



1. A classic book that you have been meaning to read forever but havenā€™t yet
I actually have no intention to read any classics šŸ˜† Not my cup of tea.


2. A book on your shelf that you havenā€™t read yet
Another one that was popular a while back, If I never met you.


3. A book that you got recently that you havenā€™t read
I got the last part of my loved french Quebec horror serie.. Itā€™s been a few months behind as I was tired of my bookstore not having it and bought it directly from the edition house and yet.. iā€™m kinda scared to read the finish line for real, you feel me? šŸ˜…


4. A book that youā€™ve had forever but havenā€™t read
I cleaned a lot of those that been on my shelves a long time.. but one of those is Well Met.


5. A book a friend recommended that you havenā€™t read
Thereā€™s a few, but the most recent one must beĀ The neighbor Favor!


6. A book youā€™re procrastinating on

all of them? but again iā€™d sayĀ The last goodbye, Love in Lockdown & No judgement.


7. The next book on your TBR

To be honest, iā€™m not sure yet! Iā€™m in the middle of reading Horrorstƶr, and who knows where my mood reading will take me next šŸ˜…


As always, consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this too!


Which book had been on your TBR the longest?
Which one are you procrastinating on?


  1. Yay, for doing the tag! I have all the Well Met books and I have not read them yet! Haha. I really hope that I can get to it sometime soon!

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