June ā€™24 Wrap up

Bonjour everyone!

Weā€™ve passed the year checkpoint, crazy eh? Our June has been pretty warm, weā€™ve had a few weeks where we broke the 40 degrees celcius with humidex! and let me tell youā€¦ thatā€™s WAY too warm for me šŸ¤£ very thankful to have bought a neckfan to wear at work in these occasions.


Juneā€™s feels

This time, I fear I donā€™t really have anything to report ~


What Iā€™ve read this month;

Iā€™ve finished three books this month,Ā The Wall of Winnipeg & Me,Ā The worldā€™s even dumber criminals &Ā Vous ĆŖtes cordiallement invitĆ©s.Ā Which makes one more Nonfiction & one french added onto my yearly goal, the last one had also been one from my Summer TBR.


What iā€™ve watched this month;

Iā€™ve been trying to finish Season 5 ofĀ Dexter, as we decided to finish our subscription to change to amazon Prime. Iā€™ve also see theyā€™ve addedĀ My Hero Academia up to season 5, so iā€™ve been catching up on that too!


Juneā€™s Highlights;

ā™„ļøŽ Just one post has been missed this month, as I had been working and feeling under the weather. besidesĀ Randomize my TBRs andĀ First line fridays, iā€™ve posted:Ā My experience adding a kitten to a senior dachshunds home, Halfway reading stats, Am I succeesing reading more French books?.

ā™„ļøŽ Gaming wise, I had been obsessing overĀ Harvest Moon 64Ā aswell as going back on Sims 4.

ā™„ļøŽ As pissed as I am for this one, I need to warn you, I fell off victim of a fraud I didnā€™t knew existed. At first it all sounded legit, they call from your internet/phone provider to tell you they have a discount for you- didnā€™t asked for any passwords, SIN or credit cards info. The email looked horrifyingly legit and the guy sounded like a seller. Well spoken, kept asking me if I had any issues with the service..

What they do, they enter your account via the ā€œpassword forgottenā€, get you to provide the digits you were sent. They then upgrade and get a phone that is sent to your address; they call back explaining there was an error and to send it to another personā€™s address. Fraudsters then get themselves a new phone at YOUR expenses šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø

Luckily I got to my senses when he told me I couldnā€™t access my account while the ā€œdiscount was processingā€, got in anyway and saw they indeed had bought a samsung phone. Called my provider to report the fraud and cancel that order ā€“ nothing else was compromised thankfully as though my credit card is in registered prepayment, you canā€™t see the digits or anything. The phone was to be added to my invoice, that would then pass on my credit card as normal.



Julyā€™s Spread;

Iā€™ve shared them on this post instead šŸŒø



Did your summer had a good start?


  1. 40C ā€“ gross! The humidity makes it way worse too ā€“ Iā€™m not looking forward to the rest of the summer.

    Iā€™m sorry to hear you were victim of fraud, but Iā€™m glad you caught it in time and nothing else was compromised! I feel like itā€™s been getting worse this year ā€” Iā€™ve had to put up a fraud alert on my credit report after a former employer and my bank got hacked with information (and they were pretty back to back), though thankfully nothing got compromised either.

    1. Oh hell, iknow šŸ’€ and theyā€™re getting smarter too. Ive heard they can duplicate your voice with AI now šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø so you canā€™t even trust the voice!

  2. Fraudsters are just awful as the rob people not only of money but of confidence too!

    1. I canā€™t believe they can sleep at night! Some people really donā€™t care šŸ’€ and as technology go on, more ways to get tricked infortunately

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