Let’s talk about the horror genre, & what’s the best horror book ?

Blogoween has officially began!! 

To start this off onto the right foot, how about we have a conversation about the horror genre?! This is the start of the seasons for spooks and scarily jumping into our loved ones’ arms, after all, wether you prefer books or movies as media to get spooked.


I am not one to really read according to the season. In fact, this year shall be the first where I have a ‹ to be read › that shall be matching the halloween atmosphere going.. So I shall turn to you guys ;

  • What are your favorite horror books ?
  • Do you have a specific author of horror books you just cannot get enough of ?
  • What’s your favorite creatures in horror books ? Are you a sucker for vampires, warewolf, ghosts ? 


I think the reasons I haven’t read many of thoses books yet is that I used to be such a scary cat ahah – I used to screams at the very start of horror movies.. One of the recurrent things my bestfriend still laugh about is how when I was around 12 years old (she was 13), we were alone at my old house and we got a bit of “amityville” playing on the tv. So we put it on, and I had a bowl of popcorn in my hands… which went all off flying in the air in a jumpscare. Yeah. I still don’t remember to this day if I did on purpose or not 😂


Growing up, I then started to get accustomed to it by watching Let’s Plays of horror games; my favorites being Silent Hill Downpour and resident Evil 4 for watever reason.. I watched them so. many. times !! Others I loved were amnesia; the dark descent and Outlast. I now own both amnesias and resident evil 4 but eeeh… watching it and playing it is two different things !! hahaha..

I then moved to horror movies, “forcing” myself to watch them more often; dragging mom along to the theater with me .. as I had no one else at the time. I am now so much more liking it – to Alex’s pleasure as he’s a big fan of horror movies !


Following that “train”, horror books is the next media on my list!

  • Do you have a story with the horror genre; How did you came to like it? What medias did you used first? 
  • Which horror type book would you recommand for a first reader in that genre? Why?
  • Do you prefer the “humoristic” horror, “jumpscare but not really scary” horror, or the “really gets under your skin and scares you shitless” horror ?


  1. I am a fan of horror movies, nothing with too much blood and gore, paranormal is more my lane but I haven’t quite found a book in the horror genre that spooked me proper.

    1. I actually don’t mind gore much.. a few things only can bother me, really. Though im more into ghost stories myself than horror!

      Yeah – my first « horror » book so far I can feel the spook atmosphere, but a tiny spook. Nothing too too major

  2. I love how you “trained” yourself Kristina! I am still thats scared cat LOL

    1. ahahah I know eh, at some point you become a bit more immune to it xD
      Still no way for me to play it myself however *aherm*, apres 5mins I need to stop.

  3. Unfortunately I don’t get scared easily so Horror doesn’t really have the same effect on me as it does with other people, but with that said I do love a good horror novel that gets under ones skin. 10/10 would always recommend those!

  4. I love horror and am a scaredy cat. I just watched Light out and I am gonna be freaking out tonight. Yet I love Stephen King’s books and I end up over analysing them to the point that I lose a lot of sleep over it.

    1. OH wow, do you have a most favorite Stephen King ? I still haven’t picked anything by him yet ..
      ahh we haven’t seen that one ! I most definately saw the thrillers going around but didn’t saw it

  5. I like the classics by Poe and Le Fanu. I recommend the Tale of the Telltale Heart, The Fall of the House of Usher and The Masque of the Red Death, all by Poe.

    I prefer horror that you have to think about, something that isn’t obvious.

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