Good morning everyone!
It had been a while since I joined- and now my friend Dini has joined the hosting, yaay! 👏🏼 Cue the new header & LTB synopsis. So this time we’ll be doing the Mar 14th prompt; Writing book reviews is a huge part of running a book blog. Do book reviews make up a big part of your blog content? Do you prefer to write long or short reviews? How does reviewing advance copies (ARCs) and working directly with authors and publishers change your approach to writing the reviews? Do you post on platforms other than your blog (i.e. Goodreads, The Storygraph, social media) and do those reviews differ from what you share on your blog?
Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created by Rukky @Eternity Books and co-hosted by Aria @Book Nook Bits and Dini @dinipandareads! In this discussion meme, participants get to talk about certain topics, share opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts! Learn more about LTB, past topics and future topics Here.
I’m on the fence about book reviews; while, yes, it is a part of being a book blogger I do strongly believe you blog shouldn’t be only reviews.
That’s not something that attracts me personally as a blog reader, in fact it is quite the opposite 🙈 I do blog more broadly than only bookish, but ithink it’s important to varsify our contents so it doesn’t get too boring. Iknow that I rely a bit too much on bookish memes when in period of rut; but usually they’re a few different memes- and atleast I do get the chance to share with other readers and post something (either way both will eat at my mind and make me stress).
There’s also a second reason why I don’t post many reviews.. I just don’t read that fast. My average in a month is 4- now I can go better or worst depending on exterior factors like work or how in feeling. Now if I read in french, i’m not tend to post this one on the blog, only on SG as most of my reader can’t read it anyways. Considering I post 12times a month- that makes about 4 of them would be reviews, give or take.
My reviews lenght always depend on my thoughts.. and then I always like to add my beloved book quotes if I have so I have a way of remember them 🙈 I’m SO bad at that. Even if I choose not to post the review on my blog, i’ll 100% review it on my storygraph account- which i’ll link in my wrap up at the end of the month. Usually if I did post it, I won’t copy/paste the whole review but just the important bits.
I choosed not to accept any more ARCS, nor do I browse netgalley anymore. It made me feel pressured as a mood reader, and sometimes my reading don’t go according to plans ahah
What about you?
How do you review?
I recently received an unfavorable review (not from anyone you know, as far as I know), which I will take as an opportunity to understand my own writing, this despite the critic having apparently skimmed the material. So, I approve of your slow-reading habit. Good for you.
I essayed about it. See the man, WordPress and Vine. Hit and run.
Yes that’s true, sometimes when you read too fast you either don’t absorb what you read, or maybe don’t understand the meaning. Iknow I always fear that I understood something wrong 🙈
Not a total loss. I’m sure I learned something.
Ah thats good atleast!