Micro Brew ; Favorite(s) Underrated

Heey !

So as sadly the first prompt wasn’t giving me much to answer personally, we shall hop on today for the second prompt of Micro Brew Favorites (February 18th) – Talk about your favorite underrated or lesser known book. A book you never see anyone talk about or you think has fallen to the wind. One that you just keep recommending and no one ever follows through reading.


What’s Micro Brew?;
This was created by my friend Melanie / The Library of Mars. We would do this on Tumblr, back when that was my only reviewing platform. I’ve been wanting to do something more on my blog because my reviews are as unpredictable as my reading habits. I thought this would be a fun way to promote something that you love. It’s also been re-branded from “Micro Review” to “Micro Brew” because of some confusion and to fit with my blogs overall theme.I will be posting the prompts on the first day of the month and answering them on the first and third Mondays of the month (anytime in between will be good times to post as well).
[from Allie’s blog]


  1. Tag me, Hexen Librarian. I want to see all your answers!
  2. Visit Melanie on Twitter
  3. Include explanation
  4. Feature the header
  5. Post the theme and prompt for the post
  6. Complete the prompt, no tagging necessary, unless you want to!


I’ll devide this between before and after I started blogging, because why not ! It’s still only been a year since i’ve joined the community.. 😅 (and it’s my blog!)


Since blogging

Of course the firsts to come in mind is the Sovereign Serie by Josie Jaffrey (though im pleased to see this is getting more popular with the release of the last tome!!) and Heavenward By Olga Gibbs that i’ll scream about every time someone allow me to, ahah!

I’ll also throw in The art of french kissing by Brianna R. Shrum and The Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay by Nicola May. The first i’ve gotten through Netgalley, a “teen” romance in a cooking competition, and the second i’ve received right from Nicola after mentionning how eager i’d be to read this novel as it featured a little Dachshund, Hot!



Before blogging

I’ve been in “reading difficulties” for quite a while before I started blogging, and it truly helped me! I’ve passed from under 10 books read in 2017 to 23 books in 2018! I however do have one book from the before blogging period i’d wish would be more talked about.

That book is Sweet Thing by Renée Carlino, that is precisely the book that regained my faith in my ability to read a book from cover to cover and pushed me into creating what will later be my wordpress blog! Man, this book gave me one hell of a ride emotionally.. and i’m madly fond of it !



What are your favorite underrated books?
What’s your opinion on the ones i’ve picked; Have you read them, have you loved them?


  1. Spinning Silk is one I found to be underrated. B&N didn’t have it. I received the book from the author after hearing about it and put it on my TBR. She sent me the book out of the blue! Sounds like from your list you found some gems too. Will have to see if I can find them. Thanks Kristina! ❤️❤️

    1. Ah, I never heard about it either!
      That’s so cool how you got it out of the blue and ended up totally loving it !
      Happy you enjoyed my list xx

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