My first experience with Acrilic nails


Having your nails professionally done can be costy, depending on what you want, but lately I had been contemplating of how pretty my friend’s nails were!! As baristas, our boss actually only accept acrilic or gel nails, as there’s literally NO way it can get damaged and loss in a coffee or something. Opposed to just painting your nails; most of our staff has our nails done professionally.

Considering the nails can last up to a month, the cost isn’t that bad.. especially if you get it once in a while to treat yourself. We should all get ourselves little treats and feel better within our bodies 🥰


I invited my mother to the nail salon on a week day off that had been particularly warm- having done my cleanings already, I had no plans for the day. Mother had been wanting to go out for pictures but at 38’C… just wearing a hat wasn’t cutting it. It just wasn’t possible; so after I went for my dog vet appointment, I decided to go grab what we needed (we were out of big water bottle for our machine) and turn it into a mother-daughter beauty day!


I picked a glittery rose gold with almond shape, and mother went for round nude color


It was our first time for both of us, so we had NO IDEA what we were doing 🤣 I certainly didn’t expected arriving there to find big tables with over 20 people working! About 15 were manicures and 5 for pedicures. We spoke to the receptionist and he took us right away, albeith we got separated for the hour-ish it took to complete our nails.

I suffer from nail psoriasis; which doesn’t bother me per say, but I was doubtful on if I would be able to get them done as my nails do have little round crevaces inside them. As for mother, she never had grown nails as hers kept breaking; so it’s a shock seeing her with such long nails!


Having them done felt so relaxing.. both of our nail tech being super nice, I had been scared to be separated as mother don’t speak english very well.. but no, she ended up managing just fine! Afterward I felt a bit of sensibility to the touch, and I could feel them on- but it subsided within a day, my friend confirmed it was normal especially as we weren’t used to it. I’m thinking it might have been from the polishing & grinding my nail psoriasis, as mother didn’t felt that, but I’m glad I didn’t felt any pain other than slight discomfort while he was working on them – as I did heard that wasn’t normal.

Now, he told me it would take approx. maybe a week to get used to them? As I got them a bit longer than i’m used to, though not as long as my friend had. Surprisingly I adapted right away! They’re much stronger than what i had anticipated.. keep in mind I had only experienced the fake ones from the pharmacy before. Almost a week since I got them, and there’s not much that I can’t do- sadly even scratching at my scabs.. as I thought that’d help my trichotillomania, but guess not 🫠


I’m loving every minute of it, definately understanding why so many people do them now! 10/10 will do it again; not sure how frequent, but will do.

Plus it looks so gorgeous in my bookish pictures 🥰 I wana show them as much as possible! I would definately recommend trying it too if you have the means.



Do you enjoy regular beauty treats?
Have you tried it out yet?


  1. They look so pretty! Also I love the dachshund themed wallet/clutch in the picture. I’m a major nail biter so I’ll probably never be able to have my nails done like that but I do enjoy seeing other people’s.

    1. Imean, that would probably help you! You can’t bite them, but I get your point!

      Thank you 🥰

  2. I miss doing acrylic nails on my nails!! I did the small almond shapes like you back in 2021-2022, but I since stopped because they got expensive 🙁 yours look so pretty and pink!

    1. Thank you!
      Yeeah thats valid :/ i paid $120 with a tip for both of ours- atleast it stays long.. i ended up cutting & filing them as I hit them one time too many and it hurted 🤣 kinda look like new, it does like a pattern now! Ahah

      1. Ohh ok 👍🏾 yes I remember one time I slammed my finger against the bathroom door and crushed my fingernail lol 😂 after that, I was done with the acrylics and just stick to gel nails 💅🏾

        1. Ohnoo! Yeah I was opening a box and just gave a good tug 💀 thought both finger came with it .. still there but was quite painful ahah

      2. Ouchhhhhh!!!! Yeah gotta be careful with these nails lol 😂 and it doesn’t help that we use our hands for literally everything

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