My Good Reading Habits Tag

My Good Reading Habits Tag

I found this tag over at Holly’s @ Nut Free Nerd  and quite liked the idea; so here I am, doing it ! 😉

Let’s try our best to find good thing we do surrounding our reading, shall we ? Also, please note that this will be things that I personally think are “good habits” and yours may be different than me; Or you may not think thoses I stated are good ones, and that’s alright ! 🙂


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  • List some of your good reading habits, the things you think you do well
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My “Good Habits”;

I review 99% of the books I read; maybe not all on my blog, but also on goodread and/or netgalley. Since I started this blog, there’s only ONE book I haven’t reviewed at all which is “Such a good girl” by Amanda K Morgan — Because well … I just have no idea what to say about it xD

✤ I read in both of my known languages; It’s only been a year since i’ve started reading in english, but this opens up so much more books to me ! As sometimes it may take YEARS for a book to be translated in French, or might just not get translated at all.. on the opposite side, I feel like after reading several english books in a row I just need that break and go back to my “source” (aka french books) or else everything just feels flat.

✤ I don’t look at reviews before reading a book or isn’t affected by them; So, Ithink I have a pretty good idea of what I’d like or not by reading the synopsis.. As we all know we all read books differently/see mental health reps differently, I choose to not peak at someone else’s thoughts before making my own because I fear that i’d get biased upon what i’ve read in thoses reviews. I much prefer read them after I’ve made up my mind on if I love a book or not to see if other readers had the same opinions that I did !
(and maybe fangirl a bit about said book in the comments *aherm*)


I tag .. *drum roll* ;

Jamsu, Lauren, Clo, Sim, Gayathri and everyone who wanna do it, of course ! 🙂