My Summer ’24 TBR 💫

Good morning,

June is almost here, and hopefully summer with it! Our weather as been going from mid-10s to mid-20s Celcius, so we had a range of nice & warm to fresh days so far.

If you’re curious to see how I’ve made in my Spring TBR, you can go back to that post Here.


As usual, I tried to fit a few different genres.. as i’m never sure how my mood will evolve through the season. I also got some books that had been sitting there for quite a while, and that I really should get read, or atleast tried a few chapters 🙈



Here’s the list;


There’s no Non-fiction this time; and while mainly contemporary romances that’s perfect for the summer, I also have some mysteries with two of the five having fantasy elements.


Do you have planned your Summer TBR yet?


  1. I read Starfish when it first came out years ago. It’s so good!! 😊 but it’s so sad 😭 you’ll love it! 😍

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