My Summer TBR

Good morning!

We had quite some success with the spring TBR — so it’s time to make a new one for Summer! As a mood reader, I quite like the seasonal TBRs better than the monthly ones; Having only a few books for a few months allows me to read more books off of it while still being allowed to slip a few un-planned ones also! Way more fun ☺️



If you read my last book haul, you’ll remember almost all of them was actually books I just bought the other day 😅 I just added a Guillaume Musso to have not only a thriller option, but also not to have only newly bought on there.. ahah


×  Last chance books [X]
× La vie est un roman [X]
× The midnight library [X]
× Our year of Maybe [X]
× Dickpic sous les étoiles (FR “dickpic under the stars” — getting to it next)



What’s on your Summer TBR?
Do you have some special craving for books in the summer?


    1. yeah, iknow eh!
      I was only successful at it once, so we’ll see 😅 Although having it for a whole 3ish months does give me some wiggle room to read something not on it — though all of thoses are some i’m wanting to get to.

      Ohh nice- hoping you’d enjoy this one aswell!
      Happy reading Kal xx

  1. Good luck with your summer TBR! My summer TBR is actually my spring TBR because it took so long for me to read some of the books on it that I’ve just rolled them over to the next season 😅

    1. Thank youu!
      Oh noo… ahah woops 😅 it happens sometimes.. Ihope you’d have better luck in Summer then! Happy reading xx

  2. new seasonal TBRs are always fun! I’ve got a lot of contemporary & romance reads in the queue, but summer also feels like a good time to get into (and hopefully finally finish off) book series – currently I’ve got The Once and Future King, the Celestial Trilogy (ARC of the third book!), and lots of Anna-Marie McLemore’s books on the shortlist.

    1. Im not much into series- but that’s true! Specially if you have summer off from school, or a planned week vacation atleast, it does feel like the perfect time for binging series!

      Happy reading xx

  3. I plan to finish Jennifer L Armentrout’s Titan series, the mister by el james and wicked cravings by suzanne wright and maybe reread few series like the 100, addicted, magnus chase.

    1. Sounds good, hopefully you’d enjoy them! Series does feel like summer-y in a way :p
      Happy reading xx

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