” Old ” books i’d love to reread !

Heey !

As most of you know already, I have been a reader since as far as I can remember ; as I was introduced to this lovely hobby of ours in my very young days. Therefore, my shelves have LOTS (though way less than i’d like ahah) of books I once read, loved, and would like to go revisit again and hopefully have it reviewed on here someday !

So let’s hop onto this and let me share them with you 😘


Word of warning; as I only read in french back in the days, they are french copies that may or may not have an english equivalent, and I shall resume it in english for you if it’s the case; otherwise the goodread link shall be provided.


Perfect Chemistery, Simone Elkeles (Irrésistible Albchimie);

Of course this beauty shall be on my list !! I reread it more than once, and just adore it so much !! The kind of enemy to lover trope where both belong from totally opposite worlds (rich VS poor) and yet fall in love with each other despice that difference. I’ve always wanted to read the other books in the “serie”, which each of them follow Alex’s little brothers – but unfortunately they were not translated and I couldn’t read them in english at that time.


Memoirs of a teenage amnesiac, Gabrielle Zevin (Je ne sais plus pourquoi je t’aime);

Again, I’ve talked about this one on here before – so it shall not be a surprise ! I’ve reread it a few times in the past too, and I even remember having dreamt about it one night, ahah ! Vaguely remember it’s content, but I know I adored it ; and of course, Will was a love of mine.


One day, David Nicholls (Un jour) ;

I did read that one before I knew there was a movie, though I have the movie’s cover xD I don’t know how I never realized but anyway. This one I was a trainwreck; I laughed, I cried, I related .. Frankly enough in the old days it was reminding me of myself and one of my bestfriend, I think I even sent a couple of risky text along with her reactions in the book or something ahaha.. poor guy 😂 I was about 16 years old okay..


Benny & Shrimp, Katarina Mazetti (Le mec de la tombe d’à coté) ;

Again with a love from people of two different worlds; Can you tell I love this trope? ahah .. though it made me go from all types of emotions, the ending just broke my heart in a million on pieces..


The state we’re In, Adele Parks (L’attirance des contraires)

This was the book you shall remember If you’re read my « Buddy read; yay or nay? » post ! What can I say, I love books that tears my heart in two ahaha


Sadly I don’t remember most of them anymore ahah, part of why i’d love to reread them again – Apart for “perfect chemistery” that I remember the best, the others are based out of remembering I loved them once upon a time .. 



What are your backlist books you own that you’d love to read again ?

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