One perfect Couple ~ Ruth Ware ☆ Book Review

Good morning!

I’m a month or so late, but I just HAD to get this new book of hers and I just finished it 💫 I definately love the same nautical feeling as Woman in the Cabin 10 – We got a few chapters on the boat in way to the island, and ofcourse the rest of the novel being from the island itself.


5 ⭐️ / 5 stars
unhaul or keep? keep!



You know when you read a book and it feels more like if you’re watching a TV show? that’s exactly the feeling I had while reading this! After reading, I felt like I had been watching survivor or something of the like- A love couple reality TV gone wrong where the contestants are to fend for themselves struck on an island with no communication with the outside world.

I loved Lyla from the get-go, though Nico definately felt like one of my ex.. good thing we don’t see him long in the book ! I’ve grown to dislike and fear Connor, while loving tiny Zana & Angel with her coming from France and have splattered French sentences through the book! I always find that interresting and a nice touch in english novels.

I also love how the women stayed with each other, and tried to help Zana despite her situation of domestic abuse by that point who wasn’t taking their help. They stayed united through everything, Specially Lyla, Angel & Santana. She also successfully wrote a survival thriller with a diabetic woman and NOT kill her the easy way right away- Santana fought for dear life until the end of the book.

There’s also a easter egg included in this book- which I found hilarious and well-done 😏

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