Opposite of Always ~ Justin A. Reynolds ☆ Book Review

Good morning!

I finally got to this book, I couldn’t tell you how long this has been on my kindle.. I do believe it was gifted to me for my bday atleast before Covid, so that makes 4yrs? 😅 Back when it was hyped for sure.


3,4 / 5 stars



When I got aware there was clearly time travel, I was a bit wary.. but no, it was done in a way that wasn’t confusing to my brain. Oppose to other books that have the time skip constantly, this one played more like in a videogame- game over and restart style.

though I found lot’s of inspiring book quotes found in this one.. I was kinda dissappointed. The second & fourth tries were the worst to read, and for that? I’m not happy with this ending, the loop lasted way too long. The author could’ve had made the same point without making him go through the loop so many times..



“The fact that you care so much, that’s good, though. That means you’re gonna try hard to not mess up. But you also gotta leave room for your hopes, your dreams, too.”

“Don’t be afraid. Take chances. And when those don’t work out, take more.”

“That’s life, though. You have problems. But you keep trying. You fight for the things you love.”
“So, maybe it’s not how something ends that matters. Maybe it’s about having something good, even for a little while.”

“That sometimes good things happen in your life that you didn’t count on, that you can’t completely account for, but once they do, life is about embracing those things, about expanding your world, about . . . doing something bigger than yourself.”

” Nothing good in life comes easy, but it’s about deciding each day that you will stick with it. You choose to stay, to work hard, to love, and you keep choosing. “

“There’s something to be said for finding that person who reminds you how happy life can be. You find that person, boy or girl, and you never let them go.


  1. Aww, sorry you were disappointed with this one! I do agree the time loop dragged on and that the time travel was easy, but I think with the synopsis I was expecting it be Groundhog Day style so I personally didn’t find it to be terribly dragging. Though if I read it now, I’m not entirely too sure if I would feel the same way.

    1. Oohh okay that makes sense.. it’s just- why going it over and over to THEN be like « ah idk why I keep looping theres no solution » like man.. I wanted to know what the answer was!!

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