Recap of Summer TBR & Setting my Autumn ’24 TBR


Time to do a check out & install a new TBR for the trimester; I’m personally so hyped up for the autumn weather 🥰 If we can atleast get a bit less warmth, i’m up for it!


Summer TBR;

In case you missed it, here’s the post. As i’m writing this, I’m starting my last book on the list See you yesteray, so I can say that i’ve completed my TBR 👏🏼


Autumn TBR;

As we are starting into the horror season, my list consist of Halloween themed books- french and english mysteries along with costume-related settings.

  • L’instant Présent, Guillaume Musso  *Started this one and DNFed it years ago
  • Well Met, Jen DeLuca
  • Le petit Prince, L.P. Picard
  • Tremblez! Crimes au Japon, McSkyz
  • Who we are in real life, Victoria Koops




Have you started your September/Autumn TBR yet? 


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