See you yesterday ~ Rachel Lynn Solomon ☆ Book Review

I finally read it!! We took a pause to get another book, but we came back!

The poor thing has been on my shelves for quite a while now 🙈.. and we’re finally ready to get to past present future!


* This post was supposed to be posted Thursday 14th, but I didn’t noticed my WP hadn’t done it’s job before midnight- so it’s a day late 🫣

4  / 5 stars


What i’m not usually a fan of with time loops are that it gets redundant after a while.. but unlike « opposite of always », this one is a real time looping where the day always have the same elements. (Though OOF had few months and here we have a single day). I appreciate that we skip to the important parts instead of having to see the same things over and over after a while; just the new stuff and we moving on.

Gotta say the moment Barret went “nothing matters so lets fuck shit up” was an hilarious loop.. reading her shoving trash cans and yelling wierd stuff going in an out of random classes? Hilarious! 😂 I did need a break with another book in-between however, as the looping started to be a little too long to my liking (- 0,5 stars).. I did wanted to finish it however as I grew attached to Barret & Miles and wanted to know how the loop ended.

Ofcourse the answer was there the whole time- im so happy this looping had an answer! Unlike opposite of always though I almost chucked the book at the wall, scared me shitless I needed to check the ending to make sure. I promise this one had a good ending, thank goodness.


I find that Miles makes me think of Arven from Pokemon Violet, and I couldn’t shake it off 🙈 however, I love the complicity they ended up sharing though the book (omg that getting laid/id want to make love before I die part!!?).

While he wasn’t a favorite at first, I’ve grew to love him as we got to know him better under that dick facade he had going on – quite like Neil from today tonight tomorrow. The way he researched what to do to handle a panic attack as he saw her in one made my heart melt 💕


Anecdotally, this book and it’s time loops really messed up with my brain.. reading it before sleep got me dreaming of loops and parallel universe me 🙈



« Sure, it might be hard. It will be hard. But Telling yourself it’s not for you is the quickest way to fail. You seal your fate if you begin something, anything, with that mindset. »

« I’ve always wanted to be as fearless about my body as she is, and even if i’m halfway there on most days, she’s carried hers with confidence for longer that I have. »

« Miles treats smiles the way I do stickers & stationery- reluctant to part with them, as though they are precious things he has a finite numbers of. »

« Miles is constant, and not just because he’s stuck here with me. His mere presence has tugged me back into orbit. Even after everything that’s happened… I do trust him. »

« I’ve wanted you for weeks. But I don’t just want you in September. It’s not enough. I want you in winter, too. I want you in spring and in summer. I want you the whole fucking year, and then I want you in September all over again. »

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