Spring ’24 TBR results!


Theoretically, I have another month to complete this seasonal TBR.. however the book left is Romance, and I gotta say i’m not in the mood for a romance right now- so i’m just gonna post the results now! I’ll be back a bit later for a Summer TBR 🌼


In case you’ll need a recap of which books was on my list, feel free to go check out this post


I had varied genre of books, and it served me quite well! I started out strong during the first month; finally reading before the coffee gets cold aswell as the grand final of my Quebec horror serie.. that I had been refusing to read for like a year 🥲 I’m glad it didn’t ended on the note I thought it was going to, so i’m happy!

Alas just one book remains on my list, the neighbor favor, yet again.. but this time just because i’m more in a non-fiction/anything but romance mood 😅 I’d rather save it for a time where I can enjoy it better rather than simply because I wanna complete my TBR.



How is your seasonal/monthly TBR going? 

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