Things I wished they’d had told me 😥

Hey there !

As promised, here’s the “Off Topic Sunday” post as I skipped the internationnal blogger meme this week since I already did that prompt earlier as I messed up a bit x)

I’ve saw a few do this kind of post of what life has learned us, that well.. I kinda wish someone would had told me ! I may only be 23years old but damn I saw quite alot, so let me share those with you. Hopefully some younger readers can benefit from what i’ve learned !

PS; they’re not listed in any order, just as they came through my head while writting them

1- Don’t let assoles make you bitter.

We all know it, some people just don’t care and WILL fuck you over without a back thought. However .. I just refuse them to convince me every human being is bad on this planet. I refuse them to teach me to stop caring and fuck people over, just because they do it freely to me.

My momma haven’t raised me like that. Will it hurt ? yes. But nice & genuine people like us still. exist. and I don’t wanna hurt thoses by mistake… we never know, eh ?


2- Never be scared to love an animal.

Sure, they will eventually pass before we do, but the love they gives us ? Priceless. Definately worth so much more than the pain we will feel after they leave .. Opposite to fellow humans, they will only hurt us that one time – and they do helps alot in understanding and supporting, specially if you have an health issues of some kind, mentally or physically.

My two helped me to never act on my suicidal thoughts; while mom’s went into dialysis with the support of her dog aswell.


3- It’s okay not knowing what you wanna do in life.

Higher education? Sure, it’s important. However, it might not be for everyone; and if you were 17 like I was when I graduated high schoold, you just cannot know what you wanna do with the rest of your life. We can change our minds. The real life differ so much from “in theory”, you can love learning it, but arrive there and go « eeeeerh … I don’t like this like I thought I would.. » … then, you just need to let that sit & start over !

Either go back to college/university, or branch yourself in a sex shop like me ! 😂 (im kidding .. for the last part anyway). Never be ashamed to have more than one certification or diploma ! It can still be of use later, we never know.


4- Don’t wait until you get to your limit.

Specially for something like your workplace, if you think you will just wait more and « it ain’t so bad » or « i’ll get used to it » over and over .. no, girl. run. You don’t need to run for the hills without having a backup plan already, like me, but definately work on that backup plan right away before you reach it ! Don’t wait until you end up crying and just cannot do this anymore- that’s when it’s too late. I beg you, learn this from someone who went through it !

Also works for anything else really, specially relationships also. If you aren’t happy in it – get out before it’s too late, and plan for it so it’s ready if you do get to your limit. you won’t go through what my head ache was.


5- Money isn’t everything !!

Better to love your minimum wage job than hate your high paying one.. you would be very surprised how close bonded it is with your overall hapiness and self-love, it impact everything else. No one wanna be unhappy and self-loathing all it’s life, it’s so much more than that.

Can you manage everything while still doing what you love, or if you can, get rid of some un-necessities ?

I agree some time it’s not as simple .. but if you can, then go for it !


6- Take care of yourself first. resting is totally okay ! 

Aside from pets and your kids if you have some, you do not need to take care of anyone else than yourself. Need a break or a nap ? allow yourself to get one ! If you have a friend in need or something and you focus on your health first, they may get unhappy at you .. but remember; you cannot help someone get out of the water if you’re already drowning ! Get yourself out first (and apologize if needed..) and go see if they still need help and ask if they are okay after you are out of trouble yourself.


7- Don’t rush a relationship – either friend or lover

You might think this one should be obvious .. but it wasn’t for me. Back when I was younger, being in a romantic relationship used to be a goal for me, aswell as having kids (hah .. iknow..). It was THE thing I was aching for and claimed I couldn’t live without. Well.. let me tell you one thing.. it isn’t now. It took me forever to be in peace with that and see that I am perfectly fine on my own with nothing greater than the love from my two dachshunds, and get to the realisation that welp … I might not have the patience to have kids after all – just like my godmother ! Also know that you should NOT, in any circounstances, change a piece of who you are for someone else to like you better or any crap like that. If they love you, they should 100% get along with who you really are !


8- Trust your gut feelings

Unlike when anxiety screams at you (you want to ignore that one..), we all have this little voice who get to speak when things feel .. not quite right. Not necessary of something huge & drastic is gonna happen, but you know, unpleasant … so you better pay close attention to it !

exemple: one time I had my “friend” come over the 3hour drive that was between us. All was fine, but as he took longer than expected I kinda, didn’t wanted to go anymore … but I told myself it wouldn’t be right of me, considering the drive and all, that it was probly anxiety again (which happened alot before) and… turned out that supper was really blah. found out the moment I got there that I should had listened to that “NOPE!” earlier .. 😪


What is something you had to go through that you would had loved someone to warn you about ?

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