What i’ve been playing lately; Ace of Attorney Trilogy

As I’ve mentionned into my last posts [medication don’t erase the illness / living a pandemic with no immunity mother] I’ve been quite anxious lately.. Aswell as frequent headaches/migraines from either the physical pain of that anxiety or sinus pain from the peak in allergies. This is usually where I turn myself to videogames instead of reading, so i’ve been quite obsessing over the Ace of Attorney trilogy lately, ditching everything else 😅

With the recent publication of Ace of Attorney; Chronicle, I’ve been tempted to play it from looking at the teaser, although I had never played thoses games.. I just liked the investigation part of the game that had been showed.


Screenshot taken from the 1st game, i’m thinking the 4th case “Turnabout Goodbyes”


This happen to be my friend’s favorite videogame franchise – he has two poster in his room that I saw everytime I hung out with him. Ofcourse I was semi-knowledgeable of what the game was, as i’ve seen it float around on tumblr and such with the big “OBJECTION!” pictures.. but I never really interrested me until now.

After telling him my interest of the new game, he kindly played one case with me 😜Which was the 1st game “Turnabout Samuraï”, aswell as being encouraged to start with the first games before hopping to the newest one. I finally caved and bought the two on my switch, as they were selling the Trilogy aswell as Chronicles in a bundle for $74.
(which you end up saving like.. $10/20 if you’d buy them separately)


Playing my games in french, I like how they kept the play of names — though i’ll never understand why they kept Wright’s intact while Edgeworth is now called “Benjamin Hunter” 🤨 

While I had feared that it’d be an easy-done game that last you maybe 10hrs, as i’m a fan of unfinisheable/longer games & I didn’t wanted to finish them too quickly, I’m quite happy that the lenght of the cases significantly increases as we go through them. While i’ve been plying non-stop for the last 6days, i’m on the last case of the first game – I still have two games to go in the trilogy before the new one (which have approx. 5 cases each).

The difficulty of the cases increases aswell! While I like how it makes me think and challenge my brain.. some of the things I get stuck on is merp. 😐 times I DID thought about it, but go «Nah shouldnt be that stupid..» OR I wouldn’t had thought about it at all xD Other times it’s absolutely pure guess and I ended up picking the right thing but for a different reason than what the game is thinking.



What have you been playing lately?
Are you a fan of the Ace Attorney games too?


  1. I haven’t been playing anything recently but I want to get back to playing Stardew Valley!
    This game sounds so good and I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

    1. It is!! Though it got me feeling like an absolute dumbass sometimes 😂 got me check the soluce fairly often as I can’t figure what to do or what clue I shall be pulling out ahaha!

      Ohh yeah! I completely ditched that one too 🤭 though im pretty tempted with the new sims pack that does have farm-like animals..

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