100 followers ?! // Chit Chat Thursdays ♥

100 followers ?! // Chit Chat Thursdays ♥

Hello all my lovely people !!

Im sorry, I’ve been quite sick for this past week or so and I don’t have any in dept ideas for the moment.. 😅 So I thought to add a little category here, which can almost replace “myself”, but I thought we could have littles “Chit Chat Thursdays” once in a while where I’d tell a bit what’s going on, Arc’s i’ve gotten, where I am in my books, etc. etc.. What do you think ? :3

A bit different of my discussion posts, as here we will be talking of pretty much all kinds of stuff at once, who might not even be related together .. xD One of many ways to get to know and interact with each others <3


First thing first ; What ?! there’s 100+ of you following me since monday? 😱 H-How ?! Thank you, it means alot ! ​♥♥ I’m definately having lot of fun with my blog, speaking to everyone and commenting on awesome posts .. Loving each and everyone I met along the way!


I’m just having a bit of difficulties with WordPress formating of posts some times but .. i’ll get better the more I try 😅​ I’ve never used this website before so that’s a bit understanding, mh ? Gotta explore and try things ..


I finally got accepted for an Arc !! eeeek !! Not one in french sadly, probly as I blog in english, which all three I requested was refused.. BUT I decided to ask for some in english too, as I wanna attempt reading in my 2nd language and well .. gotta start somewhere. And so now that I’ve finished In a dark, dark wood by ruth ware, I am currently reading The heart between us, by Lindsay Harrel. Which makes me SO HAPPY and excited of the fact there’s a presence of organ donation, as it’s something really important to me, and I have in fact the ribbon of it on my left wrist ;


❀  Also, my christmas wish came truee ! as I told my godmother of having an arc as an ebook, she gave me her old Kobo she was not using anymore !😄​ So I have something much bigger than my iPhone 5s screen to read on.. hahah much better ! Also I can now do both reading and goodreads/blog my reactions .. heheheh ..


Although I finished one book, which do count in my general goodread challenge, it does NOT count for #BeatTheBacklist .. as I started reading in November 2017 .. 😐 poop, and since I am now reading an arc.. I’m still at zero for that challenge .. sorry, BookBards, im failing you! (for now)


Lastly, Book Haul ! I had $25 on a gifcard for indigo chapters I haven’t used yet, and since my godmother was with us – it was the best time to use it heheheh .. 

So here’s all I got ! (with the kobo my godmother brought me); Under rose tinted skies, A good girl (in french), a new notebook as im almost done with mine and a pen with a little gem hanging off it. ♥


❀ Edit ; ahhhh well look at that ! after waiting for a week or two and didn’t requested anything else I got one french arc aswell !!! 😍😍​ yaay !

hopefully I’ll still do great in reading my 12 backlists books, heheheh … 


aaand I think that’s it for now ! I’ll see you all on monday for a recap of my 2018 goals and how it’s been going so far with one month in, xx



What are you guys currently reading ?

Having luck in your challenges so far ?

55 thoughts on “100 followers ?! // Chit Chat Thursdays ♥

  1. First of all, congratulations for a 100 followers! That’s pretty damn impressive and am so happy for you 😀 Secondly, YAY for ARC acceptance! It’s always a dream come true when that approval email hits the inbox, haha <3

    As for not keeping up with the BTB challenge, don't worry and definitely stress about it. We are a team (hey, fellow book bard!!) so we are gonna stick together for that ultimate goal, haha 😀

    Enjoy your new Kobo (your godmother is so sweet!) and can't wait for your thoughts on Under Rose-tainted Skies. Good luck with all the ARCs and be patient with WordPress' formatting, it'll all sort out after some time 🙂

  2. First of all, congratulations for a 100 followers! That’s pretty damn impressive and am so happy for you 😀 Secondly, YAY for ARC acceptance! It’s always a dream come true when that approval email hits the inbox, haha <3

    As for not keeping up with the BTB challenge, don't worry and definitely stress about it. We are a team (hey, fellow book bard!!) so we are gonna stick together for that ultimate goal, haha 😀

    Enjoy your new Kobo (your godmother is so sweet!) and can't wait for your thoughts on Under Rose-tainted Skies. Good luck with all the ARCs and be patient with WordPress' formatting, it'll all sort out after some time 🙂

  3. Congrats on 100+ followers Kristina ❤️ And wow glad you git a Kobo, though I have never seen it.. but I guess it is similar to a Kindle?
    And yay happing that you got ARC approved.
    I am doing fine so far in terms of my reading challenges. I hope you do well too 😜

    1. Yes ! same as a kindle, but in android form .. you can still add apps on it like a tablet though – which it was way too slow for her so she now uses her “real” tablet xD
      Thank youu <3

  4. Congrats on 100+ followers Kristina ❤️ And wow glad you git a Kobo, though I have never seen it.. but I guess it is similar to a Kindle?
    And yay happing that you got ARC approved.
    I am doing fine so far in terms of my reading challenges. I hope you do well too 😜

    1. Yes ! same as a kindle, but in android form .. you can still add apps on it like a tablet though – which it was way too slow for her so she now uses her “real” tablet xD
      Thank youu <3

    1. Yep, indeed.. Thank you so much ❤️

      ive heard a lot of good things also, however im not experienced in reading in english so we shall see hehe

    1. Yep, indeed.. Thank you so much ❤️

      ive heard a lot of good things also, however im not experienced in reading in english so we shall see hehe

  5. Those first eARC’s are always sooo special, haha! Same for the followers-milestone; congratulations on that! 😀

    Reading on a Kobo / eReader definitely beats reading on your phone though. I noticed I read way faster and way more when I get to pick up my Kindle compared to when I read on my phone – which happens when I’m simply too lazy to go and get it and I only have fifteen minutes of reading time any way.

    As for your Beat the Backlist-poop [I had to; it sounded to funny when I read it], it happens! It’s still.. like.. eleven months so you have plenty of time to get your number up, haha. 😛 [Although maybe not because I’m a Novel Knight and.. You know.. Competition! *joking*]

    As for organ donation mentioned in books: This Heart of Mine by C.C. Hunter is releasing.. next month? I think? Read it, loved it! Heart donation! Might be your kind of thing then. 😀

    1. Oh! Interresting thank you 😄 although im sort of.. easily crying for organ donation topics 😳 ahah

      Also, idk.. sometimes I like to use my phone before sleeping (specially now as my ribs has pulled muscles) as I like to hold it in one hand and I have tiny hands xD

      1. It wasn’t really a crying kind of book as far as I remember though!

        Ooh, I have a case for mine that I can put up so it stands on itself. Simply have to touch the screen to flip the page; sooo easy and.. well, at least my arm doesn’t start hurting anymore, haha.

  6. Those first eARC’s are always sooo special, haha! Same for the followers-milestone; congratulations on that! 😀

    Reading on a Kobo / eReader definitely beats reading on your phone though. I noticed I read way faster and way more when I get to pick up my Kindle compared to when I read on my phone – which happens when I’m simply too lazy to go and get it and I only have fifteen minutes of reading time any way.

    As for your Beat the Backlist-poop [I had to; it sounded to funny when I read it], it happens! It’s still.. like.. eleven months so you have plenty of time to get your number up, haha. 😛 [Although maybe not because I’m a Novel Knight and.. You know.. Competition! *joking*]

    As for organ donation mentioned in books: This Heart of Mine by C.C. Hunter is releasing.. next month? I think? Read it, loved it! Heart donation! Might be your kind of thing then. 😀

    1. Oh! Interresting thank you 😄 although im sort of.. easily crying for organ donation topics 😳 ahah

      Also, idk.. sometimes I like to use my phone before sleeping (specially now as my ribs has pulled muscles) as I like to hold it in one hand and I have tiny hands xD

      1. It wasn’t really a crying kind of book as far as I remember though!

        Ooh, I have a case for mine that I can put up so it stands on itself. Simply have to touch the screen to flip the page; sooo easy and.. well, at least my arm doesn’t start hurting anymore, haha.

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