2018 bookish goals; how is it so far ? 🔮​

2018 bookish goals; how is it so far ? 🔮​

Hello, hello all you lovely people !!

The first month of 2018 already passed us by, how crazy is that ?! 😨 maan how time is passing fast .. How about we check together how I did in my goals so far ?

I don’t plan on doing ​this regularly every month, however i’m quite proud with all I did this month ! i’ll probably do another one like, at the middle & the end to see how I progress. or if anything major happens.

In case you are just now stopping by; welcome ! here’s the post I wrote earlier this month of what I wanted to accomplish that we will be going over and recap what has been accomplished or not. 😘​

My 2018 “To accomplish”


No. 1 – Goodreads & #BeatTheBacklist goals of 12 books read; which means one per month. 

So far, I read one book in January, which makes me in schedule and going good! However, this one don’t count for #BeatTheBacklist since I started reading it in November of 2017 … so I’d need to read one additionnal one for that challenge.


No. 2 – Post my review of “In a dark, dark wood”  by ruth ware by the end of January/early february.

Check ! This one has been done on the 19th, finally ahah after having sat in my draft since december 28th …


No. 3 – Try other versions of books (Aka Ebooks or audiobooks)

Check aswell ! Got my first arc via Ebooks on my kindle apps, bonus point that it’s in english ! 😄


No. 4 – Keep blogging on my wordpress; atleast my 2times per week (Mondays & Thursdays) with occationnal saturdays for the internationnal blogger meme.

So far so good for my 2posts a week ! However, the second Int. blogger meme was one concerning local publishers .. and as it’s something I don’t really have opinions or knowledge on, I skipped it. But stay tunned for the next one in Feb!


No. 5 – More interactions with the bookbloggers (both here and Tumblr).

Can improve on the tumblr side, but i’ve been bloghopping atleast every two days ! perks of working part time, heheh! I get to comments on quite a bit of other’s posts that interrests me & returns the comments on thoses who left me somes, every day !


No. 6 – Find out where to get my inspiration for posts / start doing some conversation posts.

Still not sure about the inspiration, hah ! but so far i’ve done two conversation posts and also as of last week, Chit Chat Thursdays are now a thing !


No. 7 – read more before bed, rather than gaming.

.. okay that one I can still ameliore x) However, I have taken over the “camping lamp” hahaha so I have more means to than I usually had with my lava lamp where I couldn’t see anything ..


No. 8 – read more of my feed’s posts.

Check ! Hands in hands with no. 5, as I start bloghopping with my “reader” feed and then hop to ones I didn’t followed before and such.

aaand that’s it ! Not too bad, eh ?


How about you, how’s your resolutions for 2018 going ?

Did you added more goals to the original ones ?

33 thoughts on “2018 bookish goals; how is it so far ? 🔮​

  1. I’d say you’re off to a good start! As for inspiration on posts.. I sometimes just take a piece of paper and stare at it thinking about books and everything around it. Sometimes I come up with quite a lot of ideas, sometimes barely but eventually there are always some things I actually use. Might work for you as well? Who knows! 😀

  2. I’d say you’re off to a good start! As for inspiration on posts.. I sometimes just take a piece of paper and stare at it thinking about books and everything around it. Sometimes I come up with quite a lot of ideas, sometimes barely but eventually there are always some things I actually use. Might work for you as well? Who knows! 😀

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