Although I’m quite old now, I always wanna believe that love wins over everything — despite not having lived too many things myself yet. I just crave that romance side in everything I consume (both book, tv show, animes, etc.) to have that form of strong bond between both lovers ….
Month: March 2019
Good morning! This tag has been created by Brigid @ Brigiddowney for Valentines’ day, and she tagged me! I’ll admit it’s far over by now BUT the reason why I wanted to do it today is that myself and Alex are celebrating our 9months together !! yaay!!
**Caution; this is a quite sensible topic for me and I may get a little “aggressive” or too taken by – Please know I am not in any way reffering to anybody in specific and It’s not to shame or attack anybody. I am aware it’s not always the case ….