Month: June 2020

Reading improvements since book blogging 💫

I’ve talked about this alot in the past two years, but when my depression and anxiety striked me, I had also started to have so much trouble reading.. While I can swear that I wasn’t that slow of a reader, it took me MONTHS to finish a single book — ….

Blogging with Anxiety; Tags

Good Morning, As you could’ve guess with how much of thoses “blogging with anxiety” that I’ve posted last month (a total of 3); many things are just.. causing me anxiety lately. Going from the pandemic that’s been drawn upon us since 3-4months now -tbh.. I can’t tell how long it’s been ….

Why dachshunds?!

Heeya! Upon first glance at my blog, hell even within the name itself 😂, you can most definately guess what my favorite breed is! And just because I absolutely LOVE talking about them, here’s a more «off topic» rambly post about dogs 😘 * This idea has probably sat in ….