2022 Reading goals; Completed Results

2022 Reading goals; Completed Results

Good morning,

So I already finished my reading goals for the year 👏🏼 Off to a good start! I’ll also share the evolution of it in December, so we can see the final results of what happened this year.




Here’s our completed count, as in September 2022;

  • #Beat the backlist ; 25 books. (10 more than my goal)
  • Audiobook Challenge ; 3 books (1 more than my goal)
  • Equal reads in Fr & Eng ; 13 FR & 17 Eng (Not quite.. but pretty close)
  • Read more “unusual genres” ; 16 books, mainly Horror & Eroticas, but also a few poetry, true crime fiction & graphic novels.  


While I started my goal page for 2023, i’m not quite sure what they are gonna be yet. I’m planning to set it to 40 books read ; I’m thinking of removing #BeatTheBacklist as it’s no longer a problem for me, but I’m definately gonna keep picking more unusual genres for me!



How are your goals doing? Did you completed them yet?
Do you know what challenges you’re gonna do for 2023?

2 thoughts on “2022 Reading goals; Completed Results

    1. Thank youu 🥰
      I started the year on a pretty good note ahah like 4-5 a month- so even as I slowed down later it didnt really mattered as much ahah

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