Feeling too much, or not enough – not bad but not good either ?

Hello peeps,
One later post than usual, as I’m on my vacation little trip here 💫 I had yesterday & the wrap up post ready, but wasn’t prepared for this one for lack of ideas 😂
I’ve tried writing this post earlier, but was at lost of words; especially recently, I feel like i’m at lost of feelings.
A lot of my reading had been 3stars this year, mainly because of me broadening my horizons, that’s fine.. but a lot of time I just, don’t have a particular feeling toward them??
For exemple “Hide, and don’t seek”; yes I read it all, and some stories were good in it, but I don’t have anything to say as per giving a review of it. I’m not certain what kept me reading, but imean it wasn’t bad- just neutral. My brain sometimes isn’t always in rating mode, it seems.
That’s also true for anything else- we got a short travelling trip, and I quite don’t like when I get asked if I enjoy something anymore.. because I’m neutral?? There’s nothing standing out, I can’t say that I was overjoyed- and I was upset earlier to find the library I wanted to be closed due to a power fail. However nothing else was truly “bad”.
And yet on other times it feels like I feel WAY too much, and go overboard upset on things that might be a bit futile? See the above library situation. Right now i’m sitting on my hotel bed, with godmother & mother, and i’m feeling melancholic for no real reason. I’m on vacation, and yes this trip wasn’t what I thought it’d be, but we did had fun and saw pretty things.
I find it difficult, as usually what they first think when you’re medicated is that medication makes you feel numb, without emotions. And man that isn’t the truth, atleast for me 😅 I get this conflicting situation of either too much or not enough.. and when you have a book blog, finding medias & books to be neutral and having nothing to say really complicate things alot!
Because what do I blog about if I don’t have thoughts or a coherent SOMETHING to share??
Have you experienced something like this?