Dating in your late 20s

Dating in your late 20s

As FB just reminded me a couple days ago, it has already been 4years since my last relationship- and you know, with bestfriend having her baby and not staying up as late (totally understandeable!), I do get that lonely feeling often and would just like to talk with people.

So i’ve yet again downloaded tinder. At this point it’s a ritual of setting it up, getting dissapointed, and leaving again for some time ๐Ÿ˜…


The selection where I live is this:

– Rednecks / Country boys (not really the outdoory type)

Gym addicts (nope- won’t get me in a gym)

– Single dads (No offense, but I don’t wanna be a mother, and not for someone else’s kid either)

– Cannabis user (again, nothing wrong as it’s legal now, but ain’t a user myself)

– Poly / Couples looking for a third (not for me)


The hard part is that since Cannabis got legal, it seems like everyone and their grandma is using it. And just like i’m not a cigarette smoker or a drinker, the best would be someone alike – although I’m fine with it as long as you don’t try to pressure me into doing some too (as like last time).

At my age, people also have quite the amount of kids – I’ve seen someone younger than me as a single dad with 4 young kids! Which leads me to where’s the time for a relationship to begin with? Kids are a lot of work- and as I don’t want any myself, as I just don’t have the mother fiber and find it better when I can return them after some time, this isn’t really the best path for me ๐Ÿ˜…

Cue me then getting discouraged at the people I see, the 90% of them wanting to have sex and leave.. as of which being an asexual is really NOT me. Deleting the app again and rinse.


Even just finding friendship as an adult is hard, dating is even harder! I’m also someone who’s definately more in my head, and don’t leave the house much except for work and the frequent pet shop trip. I don’t drink, so I don’t go clubbing or drinking, or just “out” at all as I don’t have a friendbase. And i’m scared of everything- as most woman, so you bet I don’t wanna go alone.

At work it’s tricky, most of it as my coworkers are all ladies & all younger ๐Ÿ’€ Sure, we got cute regulars coming it to study and such- but again being most in my head I don’t really chat much. Openly flirting also feels kinda awkward, as i’m at work! There is one guy working next door (same building, two company w/ same bosses)ย that i’d be interrested, but I dont know how to introduce anything ๐Ÿ˜…



What’s your experience with dating?

2 thoughts on “Dating in your late 20s

  1. I feel you on all of this post!!!!! Iโ€™m 30 and dating in your 30s looks harder than dating in your 20s. Iโ€™ve only ever dated one guy before, and it only lasted a few months before we stopped talking. And we werenโ€™t even dating officially lol. We were just hanging out. But yeah dating in this age with social media and society being a huge pressure is not fun. I donโ€™t have kids either, and most men I meet are either into sex first or have kids. I know I want a family someday but not now lol too soon!! Maybe this is why I stick to book boyfriends ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. Ohno donโ€™t discourage me ๐Ÿ˜‚
      Yes!! First 5mins of the discussion do you wanna fuck? No? Kbye, get booted ๐Ÿซ  Iโ€™m effy even just giving my snapchat after a day so.. ๐Ÿ˜…

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