reading books, like playing VideoGames ?
Heey !
You may see the title and go; « What ?! Is she insane ? »
Well, no. not yet.. I’m sure we all had instances where some people just couldn’t understand our love for books (and maybe judge us a little while being there).
Well ! This is what i’m writting this post for, to hopefully give you some fuel to help them understand, at last!
You surely know this by now, but I am also an adept of playing videogames. Therefore, I am certified to say this. ahah! 😘
I find there’s a correlation between my books and my videogames; in fact, they sometimes serve the same purpose. Not only is it an hobby of ours, but we like to do them for specific reasons, which is when things are very similar. What does thoses might be ?? Well, sometimes to feel we belong somewhere, to relax simply and purely, or even to skip all this “life bullshit” and not think of that stuff for a while.
How we deal with that is to each their own, but the feelings are the same. All of thoses are answered, but also, it’s something we can use to communicate and interact with others and sometimes we can even do it together (buddy reads, read to a child, etc.)
Now If you were to explain it that way to someone who just don’t understand; you’d think it would help them figure it out, don’t you ?
It could be anything else, But for some reason it’s books that give it to us in our case; The thing is not what hobby we have, but rather how it makes us feel significantly better and respond to all thoses needs we have for it.
What do you think of my theory ? Does it make sense ?
Anyone else is also a fan of videogames ?
I agree! Plus quite often I get as much out of a videogame story as I do from a book. 🙂
yes ! Now of course we have some without much of a storyline .. but now we have visual novels games, we have somes with great story lines even (I can’t help but think Zelda here, heheh..)
This brings up some good points. I like playing video games because they are relaxing (usually) and I like books for the same reason (again usually).
Thank you !
Something I really love is to get lost into that world and my imagination.. specially ones like sims where you can pass 5hours in what seems like 5mins ahah
Ah yes!! The Sims! I’ve stayed up all night playing without even realizing it until I saw the sun coming up! 😂
Ahahah talking about that.. from 9pm to midnight last night I was setting up my fanily and my house and … didnt had time to even play! As it was now late and I started working at 3 today so.. wanted to wakeup early ish 😂🙈
It takes me so long to set everything up!! Who needs sleep when you have Sims?! 😂
Whatever helps you wash away the stress of life. Sometimes it’s a great game when I have the time. When I don’t I watch k-dramas. They’re as food as books!
Excellent points Kristina, reading and video games are all about stress relieving and escaping real life for a while. I don’t really play video games, but I quite like Pokemon! Though.not as much as books.
Thank you!
Yess, I love pokemons too, though Im doing a pause playing pokemon crystal right now
I think videogames do serve a very similar purpose to books, which is probably why so many book people are gamers and vice versa! the chance to visit other worlds, to experience that sense of wonder… that’s the big draw for me.
Yes! Absolutely, it’s just a bit easier on the brain & concentration.
Instead of having to read the words and pay close attention, you can just « wing it » in a game and give your brain a little pause – which can be needed once in a while
i really enjoyed this post,
when non-gamers who are readers tell me they want to try games and don’t know where to start i usually point them to visual novels because those really are the same thing essentially.
or any story driven RPG 🙂
i think those tend to be the most enjoyed for readers
yep, I think so aswell ..
Essentially I wasn’t too sure if I liked this post ahaha so im happy you did 💗