A symbol for Father’s Day

A symbol for Father’s Day

Good morning,

This past sunday was Father’s Day, I hope everyone had a good day and spent some good times. I had seen a few lists floating around for gifts to get for dad – and let me tell you.. none of those apply for mine, unfortunately 😅

Except for working and watching TV, he don’t actually have any hobbies.. We can always buy alcohol, but that’s a bit meh how it’s gone in just a few times, right? And ofcourse when asked, he claims that he doesn’t need anything 🥲


Why I had been wanting to give blood to begin with, was because he had regularly been giving blood through my childhood – one of the times that I can remember, we actually got in the newspaper! Because of issues with high blood pressure & his gland therroïd however, he had been out for quite some times. After something like past hundred donations!

Ofcourse I felt like it was my legacy to continue giving in his footsteps, though I had a hard time with it, as I had been under weight until I’ve gained my “Happy weight” and became heavier with taking my anti-depressant.


So I thought hey, I can do two bird one stone and give blood for Father’s day instead! I was working 9-4 on Sunday itself, plus going through a bad night, so I planified to get donating tuesday afternoon instead, before going to the Vet with Kafei for his cartrophen shots. That’d be my 11th donation ❤️

Women are more limited to how much blood we can give per year though, as it’s every 80days compared to 50 for men.. but I had been thinking I can try to line it up to even make it a tradition going forward!


** In Canada, donations are made through the Red Cross, selling whole blood is forbidden and i’m not aware of any other place where we can give it. There’s only plasma that we can sell. Though they went forward & rewrite the conditions and the questionnaire needed to give to make it less descrimatory towards gay men specifically, the war is far from over. 

Being aware of that, I can’t NOT give blood because we still need our lifeline.. that blood is already under supplied of what we need; being used to give for people under surgeries, cancer patients, road accidents, etc. The contrary means letting people die from lack of blood to give them.. and having been there with my mother for organ donation, I can’t consciously let that happen.



How did your Father’s day went?
What did you got them ?