A year in retrospective|| Blogoversary ! 🎀

A year in retrospective|| Blogoversary ! 🎀

Good morning !

This post is a bit late, but “Books and dachshunds” celebrated it’s first year on the 20th !! Never would I ever had imagined celebrating this blogoversary, though some bloggers celebrated their blog’s impressive 8years, This first year of mine is a huge step for me.

Let’s take a look how I evolved in the past year xx

Although I Officially had started it on Nov 20th, let’s recall how I “let it go” for a while .. having left from Nov. 30th to Dec. 13th ;

I had always stuck to the mondays and thursdays, after shoving all my reviews on the 20th from what I had uploaded onto my booklr before (tumblr platform) — but after 10days, i don’t know, i must have got discouraged.

In case you are not familiar with it, the tumblr platform is so much more easier; all you need to do is reblogging other’s posts and pictures, without needing so much work as to write all of them yourself. As I started this wordpress totally on impulse, the first few posts was good and inspired, afterward however, my ideas got dry pretty quickly… and as I am someone who’s quite harsh on myself I just slurmped away in defeat.

I had joined this neat discord group of « New bloggers », despite only having a booklr and not a blog per say as I was still in the “slurmp”. I wanna thank all of thoses loving people out there as while they spoke and planned for their blog, they truly gave me the push I needed to come back over here and not get discouraged again 💜


Since then, I not only have extended my two posts a week to three posts a week (Sundays, Mondays & Thursdays), But my boyfriend Alex have also joined us over here (Wednesdays & Saturdays)! Opening my blog to not only books and my casual ramblings (woops !), but also bringing in some Anime reviews, movie reviews, videogame chats, relationship-typed posts .. in short, helping me take the decision that I didn’t needed to brand ONLY and always in books; diversity and writting whatever you feel like is the key ! Though we are still book themed for the major part, and i’ll always call myself a book blog, but not only.

I also stepped aboard the blogger train since and feel like an entire part of the community now! I no longer fear communicating with other members; wether it’s in chats, on twitter or on their blogs. I’m also taking parts of events (#blogoween & bookend winter for exemple), and memes too !

Additionally, My reading had evolved quite a bit! Before I started blogging, I had read 5 books total in 2017; In today’s date of 2018, I have read 20 so far and counting!! (12 was my goal). Still not quite what I was at when I was younger, i’m pretty sure, but i’m improving. I also discovered Ebooks and am now able to read in english; complete with a Netgalley account and participating in blog tours and review requests ! The community have also greatly helped me understanding “DNF-ing” was more than okay and that everyone should drop that book we don’t enjoy- there’s so much more enjoying books waiting !


This first year has been a blast, and i’m hoping for a lot more years ahead ! xx

[Also, for laugh, here’s my intro, my “first post” and one of my first review – see how my writing had changed for yourself ! ahah]