About my rocks/crystals 🔮

About my rocks/crystals 🔮

Good morning!

As I wasn’t too sure what would interest you guys, I put a poll on twitter; and turns out y’all wanna hear about my rocks ! 😄 So that’s what we’ll be having today!

Capture d’écran 2019-11-17 à 10.29.57


It’s been a few years that I had been attracted to rocks and crystals, however it has only been after the breakup that I really started to buy them and carry them around in my pocket. I feel like they help with my anxiety in a way, thus I feel the need to carry them specially at work (so I tend to have a little panic when I forget them xd)


The first ones I bought, which is also the ones I’m carrying around, was in a “pre-prepared” pack labeled Depression Relief. Here’s what it holds;

  • Orange Calcite (Energy & Healing)
  • Citrine (Amplification & Protection)
  • Moss Agate (Strength & grounding)
  • Tiger’s Eye (Courage & Confidence)

I’ve also added a Rose Quartz to the pack, the rock of love (self-love, aswell as all forms of love) because honestly I think it has to be my favorite.. and some more love can’t hurt, eh! There’s one more that I bought separately, a carnelian – Which has to do again with courage, emotional warmth and creativity. [Which I actually broke one.. so I got another one gifted and the one I bought just chill on my vanity]

My manager is also big on rocks and crystal, as his mother was too, and he gifted me the black rock- Which is a smokey quartz. This one helps with cleansing/detoxifying aswell as grounding.



Adding to my pouch in my pocket, I had bought a bracelet of Moss Agate years ago that also tend be quite handy now – Specially when i’m closing at work, because that’s when my anxiety tend to be overwhelming (so many cleaning to do, only two pairs of hands and of course that’s when the crowd of people’s coming!)

Traduction; Moss Agate (Stress); Relief stress. Attracts abundance and boost self-confidence. Increase the love of nature.



Last but not least, I have one more to show you – this one remains on the side of my bed and I don’t bring along with me. It’s a bigger Crystal of Amethyst, as it’s known to help with sleep problems (like insomnia) — God knows I need that one 😂  I have so much problem with sleeping..



I actually have way more rocks than what i’ve shown you ! But It was ones that I bought from a big box full of them at a touristic area.. so I have no idea what they even are, and I just keep them in a bowl on my vanity. (So I don’t really *use* them)


Do you like Rocks and Crystals like I do?
Do you have any? Or which ones would you wanna buy?

4 thoughts on “About my rocks/crystals 🔮

    1. Ouuuh nice! I’d recommend to read some more on what they do 😘 there’s so many things on each of them I just can’t write them all ahaha plus I find it pretty interesting how powerful they can be

    1. It is!
      Really it does so much more than that, but I couldn’t write a novel for each ones, ahah 😘

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