All about reading tag !

All about reading tag !


yes yes, Iknow, another tag right at tail of another ; In fact I wanted it for Thursday. However, If I wanna do this week’s I love character meme …I needed to fix that – so here’s how it ended up, sorry 😂

As almost always, I wasn’t tagged on this one, but saw it on Arya’s blog and it sounded fun – so here I am !

What do you look for most when you pick up a book?

A) A beautiful writing style B) A character driven story C) A plot driven story

I always focus on character, so B. I don’t care too much of the plot, in ways that if it’s too described or mainly on the plot itself I will surely get lost xD Need me some good characters who has a little of me in it. And as you should know by now.. I can’t tell what’s a good writing style or not ..


What are your pet peeves in books?

I have no idea if I do have any … I let that one empty since the end and, I really can’t find anything xD Guess I can tell you if i’d stumble on it.. but right off the bat like this.. I don’t know.


If you could print one quote on your wall, which one would it be?

As you can see.. I have added quite a bit in this month’s calender, and should probly add more, though not all is from books. I’ll probably go with “We don’t remember places, we remember moments.”


Which genre would you like to explore more?

I’m a lover of thriller/mysteries.. but i’ve never really explored the horror/supernatural genre, I realised. And I realised upon talking with fellow bookish people that I do wanna go wonder more on that side of things !


Was there ever a movie adaptation you liked better than the book?

I have a lot, though I’ve never read the books (blasphemy !!). I really really loved Miss Peregrine’s house for pecular children.. was so well made, specially the inside of what seemed like the titanic under the sea !! and I just know I’ll get lost reading it, so I won’t even bother ..


 If one of your favorite books would be adapted or get a new adaptation, which book would it be and which role would you like to play?

Ohhh how i’d love to see “Heavenward” !! upon reading, it streaked me how id love to watch it as a movie – though I wouldn’t want them to break it .. vu35ifhw the struggle. I’d also wanna say “All the bright places”.. in which case i’d play Violet, of course ! We have some things Not in common, but the general “depressed girl who try to learn how to love life again” is and was so me..


A hyped book you wouldn’t recommend at all?

*cough* the night circus, sorry yall .. maybe i’ll change my mind once id be able to read it cover to cover and actually understand what i’m reading..


A book that highly influenced your life and way of thinking?

I’m sure there was a few.. but more in the unconscious part of things. Id say “sweet thing” though.. as I love to scream about that one; After suffering the severity of how my mental health affected my reading, I was at that point where it was saddening me how I just couldn’t do what I loved anymore. I don’t want to just stare at words written on paper, If I can’t get lost in them and imagine being in that word.. it just isn’t attracting to me anymore. I had dnfed like 5books until I got this one… Oh does it proved me wrong and how I WAS still able to do it. felt soo immensely good to finish a book, cover to cover, after all this time. and oooh how this book ripped my heart, to stitch it back up only to rip it again .. I loved it!


Are you a fan of re-reading books, do you do it often?

Yes, absolutely ! If I don’t wanna reread your book to feel that same thing again and revisit old friends … im sorry but you missed your point. Of course I’ll still love it, but it won’t be a 5star from me, and I may not scream to everyone about it .. As a mood reader, there’s always places where you just wanna crawl back in one of your old favorite again, like your own little safe place.


Which book title could easily be the title of your life?

I’d wanna say “such a good girl” xd


Which book should be required reading for everyone?

I don’t .. like that idea too much. Sure i’ll scream more often than not about my 5stars read such as “sweet things”, “Heavenward” and “The art of french kissing” but not to the point of require or force anyone to.. reading is something personal and probably no one reads the same book; we all have different taste and different perspection of them.