Good morning!
Spring was starting to be beautiful around here, and then as soon as we got the chair & gazebo out, it got to being colder and rainy .. 🥲 Quite a mix of a month we had!
April’s Feel;
It was Majora’s turn to turn One year old!! As he’s a rescue we didn’t really knew when, but making the math of being 12weeks when we got him, it was sometime in April.. And it was also the 8th birthday of my mother’s kidney transplant on the 22nd April 🥰
The bad news however.. Mother got covid for the second time. Because of her transplant anniversary, she was to go to the hospital for quite a handful of testing. They removed the mask mandatory, and furthermore she always felt sick after going to the hospital, so that’s most probably where she got it. Thanksfully it was allergy-like symptoms, plus the new variant’s eye infection, but they gave her puffers right away aswell as an intraveinous injection that last 3hrs for 3 days.
What i’ve read;
Again I was kinda meh about reading this month, but I managed to finish 3books. My Killer Vacation, Ils sont passées à l’acte (true crime fictional) aswell as Love on the brain. Two book down from my Spring TBR!
What i’ve watch;
Mother and I has started to watch Guillermo del toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities; which I quite liked. Only one episode felt a bit meh compared to the others, the outside.
April’s highlights;
♥︎ One post was skipped this month, but I’ve shared My fight with trichotillomania aswell asWhat to read when your « mood radar » is stuck on neutral? and the book genres that still confuses me.
♥︎ In the gaming side; I’ve had been back to obsessing over Potion Permit, to switch back to Breath of the wild after hearing only 20ish days before the release of the new one!! Simultaneously, I’ve been playing June’s Journey on my ipad.
May’s pages;
Previously shown in this post instead 🌻
How was your April?
What brought you joy lately? xx
A late happy birthday to Majora! And that sucks that your mother got Covid! I hope she feels much better now.
Have a great May!
Yes she does, thank you! 🥰
The injections she got to help make it pass easier really made a difference, she felt better afterward