Why watching/reading « True Crime »?

Why watching/reading « True Crime »?

Good morning everyone!

Honestly i’m not too sure how this developped.. it has been a while that I religiously watch true crime youtubers now 😅 I do believe it was within one of my darker periods of depression.

Multiples times, my mother would be present while i’m watching them and she’d ask me: why on earth do you listen to things like that, it’s awful!


Now, opposed to things like horror genres, true crime has the setting of being 100% true events that did happened or is happening to someone. They’re not always resolved and it can be extra spookier of that unknown of the perpetrator might still be around. How am I not afraid of them? i have no idea.

Let me also add that while my father is gone working in another town, me and mother absolutely avoid the news like the plague – so we have no idea whats happening and all the negativity going around.. and yet i’m over here watching those, seems contradictory, doesn’t it? 😂


Being an overly anxious person, we know that the world is fucked up. We know people do truly awful things that we can’t really avoid – sometime it’s a matter of wrong place at the wrong time. As a woman, we know we need to always be careful about others, specially men, and take extra precautions.

This obsession sorta became my new normal and just something that I do- but ithink it can be useful to listen to those things and be mindful of what the signs might be? Some stories might even bring hope that even after years, some missing case can still be resolved happily. Nothing is ever all dark, sometimes.


My main media of True Crime has been youtube videos, however I did start reading them, starting with books from my favorite youtubers first. What I like about them is having multiple stories within a book, so it’s easy for me to read whenever I’m less in the reading mode or not knowing what mood i’m in… I’m graviting more toward nonfiction lately.


My personal favorite channels;

Victoria Charlton; french TC youtuber from Quebec, that lived in Mexico

McSkyz / Sonya Lwu / Liv; french TC youtubers from France

HannahTheHorrible ; while not really true crime only, she do a variety of other videos on disturbing things



Do you enjoy True Crime, in what format?
Do you have favorites?

2 thoughts on “Why watching/reading « True Crime »?

  1. I personally find the psychology aspect of true crime really interesting. Like why do people do such awful things, and what’s the science behind people being psychopaths and stuff? But I tend to steer clear of true crime media like podcasts and YouTube just because I am so squeamish! If they start describing really gruesome things I literally go faint!
    Plus it does freak me out a bit to know some of the really messed up things people do, but at the same time I can understand why so many people find it interesting.

    1. Ooooh yes, i feel you- cutting really troubles me, but otherwise I don’t care at all for the gruesome 😅 not my favorite, but I can tolerate it.

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