Are you a fan of retellings?

Are you a fan of retellings?


Retellings feels like they could also be perfect for the halloween season, as we dress ourself up to mimic something/someone else.. here are stories doing the same about other stories, sometimes with a twist!

To be honest with you, I haven’t read that many as of now, as I was under the impression most must’ve been under the fantasy umbrella, and I don’t read fantasy but!! I’ve found some!


My first one had been Geekerella, which I LOVED, that I read in audio quite some years ago nows. absolutely need to read the other ones 😅

Recently I’ve found a horror modern day spin on a bunch of retellings in french, and i’m starting it!! The first one I picked had a dachshund in it, which Ithink the closest english translation would be the boogeyman?? (le bonhomme sept heures) — him & his dog were picking mean people to trap in their maze where they need to face their lessons to get a change of heart & find the exit of the maze.. before the time left in the hourglass ends as of which they’d be left in the maze forever. 

The one i’m currently reading is Sleeping beauty — a pregnant lady had to take use of a newer study of modified DNA in the mother’s womb as the baby presented X illness on tests and wouldn’t be liveable. She went ahead on the contradicted method, and her beautiful girl now has a wierd « night terror » looking episodes, and what sounds like a former life where she’d had killed someone? not sure where this is going yet


On my list I have the others from Ashley Poston; The princess and the Fangirl & Bookish and the Beast. In the French horror spin ones, there’s so many, but so far I only have The black swan (le villain petit canard); and I wanna read a few of the Liz Braswell’s twisted tales.

From what I remember, I also have atleast another Cinderella retelling, one more Beauty & the Beast, few of Bloody Mary aswell as more twisted tales anthologies within my virtual wanna read list.. I have over 1000 books in there, so I might have a few more I don’t recall at the moment 😂


I gotta say, sometimes I might not even realize something i’ve read has been a retelling of something, especially if it’s not like.. something as well known as the stories Disney took over. Or that it was pointed to me either in the synopsis or in someone’s review.



Have you read a lot of retellings?
Which ones are your favorite?

6 thoughts on “Are you a fan of retellings?

  1. I adore them and it’s one of the main genres I read. I’ve always loved fairy tales, I own the complete works of the Grimm brothers, Hans Christian Andersen, Andrew Lang, and more. So naturally I love to read fairy tale retellings. Some of my favorites are The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale and The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.

    1. Interresting! A bit too much fantasy for me, i’m afraid 😅 the goose girl is a newer one to me, I dont think it was translated much in french?

      1. I looked for you but yeah unfortunately The Goose Girl is not in French. However another book by that author Princess Academy does have a French version. It’s not a retelling and it is technically fantasy but it’s so low key fantasy that you can barely call it that. Literally the only fantasy element is sending messages through a special stone called Linder. I don’t know if you’d be interested in trying it but I would definitely recommend it for someone like you who isn’t into fantasy much and struggles with the genre. It’s also for younger teens so that should also help you in your processing. Idk up to you if you feel like trying it, just thought I’d recommend!

        I love your blog btw. I’ve previously solely read fantasy and am trying new genres so your blog has had some great recommendations for me try. Also dachshunds are the best!

        1. Oh yes! I can do lighter stuff, like Ive read the forgotten memories of Vera Glass where they all have a magic power, so that I can definately do!

          Aww thank you! Happy to hear 🥰

  2. I love retellings! I recently started buddy reading Plated Prisoner series (Midas retelling). But some others I enjoyed are The Maleficent Faerie By Rebecca F. Kenney (It has male Maleficent), Electric Idol by Katee Robert and Cress By Marissa Meyer.

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