August ’24 Wrap up

August ’24 Wrap up


Time to check what happened this past August ~ time for the autumn to get in full blown! Hopefully some more comfortable weather ahead.


August’s Feels

This month has been a ride.. it started with my week of vacation from work, which I ended up hurting my ankle beforehand so I had to spent my 9 days on the couch 😪 I HATED it, as I would’ve liked to be atleast able to do my cleaning done. Then my days off went freestyles and I had to catch a 6th shift for 2 weeks because of school restarting and being low staff. But that’s okay as I have a cardiologue scheduled in September for my girl so- extra wiggling money is always good!


What I’ve read;

We have a nice new graphic from storygraph ☺️ I’ve got one non-fiction in this month, You’ll leave the world with your butt sewn shut, aswell as finally reading Starfish and getting Charlotte Illes is not a detective off my Summer TBR! I’m currently still reading See you yesterday so I can say I finished my TBR for this quarter!


July’s Highlights

♥︎ No posts were skipped this month 👏🏼 Along with Randomized my TBR, Let’s talk bookish & Top Ten Tuesdays, I’ve posted: Six in Six 2024, Games that kept me company while healing, Recap summer TBR & making Autumn TBR aswell as Autumn makes me happy

♥︎ Gaming wise i’ve been obsessed with Pokemon Violet, which i’ve finished, went back to sims 4 for a few and then went with Pokemon Red Rescue Team on the gameboy virtual station on the switch.. to go back in for more Pokemon Violet with the DLCs.

♥︎ As I’ve said last month, We had the funeral on Aug. 15th so we had a meet-up with our family on my dad side.. probably one of the last with mostly everyone there. It’s a BIG family, my grand-mother had 11 children, 23 grandchildren (i’m here), as another 20+ grand-grand-children. We are also sprawned around in Canada with a few in the US so, chances are we will only get 3/4 of the family reunited again at another funeral 😅


September spreads

I’ve shared them on this post instead 🍂



How has been your August?

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