August Wrap Up ✻

The last month of Summer is saying it’s last adieu.. which honestly i’m not too too mad about honestly- as i’m not a fan of the heatwaves 🙈 Pretty sure I ended up with a heat fatigue the other day at our event for dachshund rescues. I’m much more a slightly chilly autumn type of gal!
August’s feels;
Overall it was a good month. It’s been filled with appointments to the vet; Regular checkups & boosters, aswell as Sheik’s four Cartophen injections (Help with their joint health, as they’re crackling). Majora will get neutered next month with the rescue’s vet, but he’s growing well, but we also found out Sheik developped a Heart Murmur that wasn’t there previously.. although i’m not too too stressed out about it for now, as she’s behaving absolutely normal with no change.
A fun thing that happened, beside the heat fatigue, is that I got to represent my store at an event called “Wieners by the sea” ; which is basically a dachshund event my friend is organizing that act as a fundraiser for the Atlantic Dachshund Rescue, and for another small breed rescue aswell this year.
What I’ve read;
It had been more of a slow month this time, I only read 2 books. I’ve finished a French book, Célibataire cherche animal de compagnie, aswell as an English one, Love song for Skeptics, both from my personal shelves and in this Mini Reviews post.
I’ve almost reached my goal; 28 books read on 30!! I’ve completed my audiobook Challenge (2+) with 3 Audiobooks so far, and i’m now with 15 Eng/13 Fr. #BeatTheBacklist has also been completed (Atleast 15 backlists) with 23.
What we watched on Netflix;
Since dad left us for work deplacements, we did watch a few thing with mother.. Which tend to be the only times I do watch something on Netflix nowadays 😅 I gravitate more toward Youtube on my own.
We watched the new Season 4 of Glow Up, and for movies we picked out The secret world of Arrietty, Newness & The king of Staten Island.
August’s Highlights;
♥︎ I shared my path learning English as a second language, which had taken me 7yrs to accomplish, aswell as how pets are more than “just animals”. I’ve also Finally took the plundge & switched to Storygraph(!!) You can take a look at my SG stats over here.
♥︎ My obsession with My time at Portia came back in full force this month 🤣 As I had unlocked the desert part of the map — And that’s pretty much all that have been happening gaming wise.. I do feel in the mood to play BOTW & Pokemon Arceus again, but as always I kinda just shove it in a corner of my mind ahah.
♥︎ Next month is looking pretty calm, the only thing scheduled so far has been Majora’s neutering surgery; He’ll be 6months old & been with us for 8 weeks since we adopted him ❤️ He fit right in, Although Sheik still isn’t sure yet as she never lived with a cat before, but they’re all getting along! He loves to jump & play with the weeins, aswell as snuggling up with them 🥰
September’s Bullet Pages;
Previously shown in this post instead 🍂
How was your last Summer month?
What have you Read/Watched or Gamed at?
both the dogs look SO CUTE OH MY GOSH I LOVE THEM!!!!! 🥺❤ yayy on the dachshund event and fundraiser!!!! IT SOUNDS FABULOUS!!! also omg YOUR CAT!!!!! CAN I PLS JUST REACH THROUGH THE SCREEN AND PET HIM JUST ONCE????? also Majora is such a pretty name <33 HOPE YOU HAVE THE MOST AMAZING SEPTEMBER AND I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!
He’s into biting right now.. teething Majora 😅
Sounds like it’s been a good month! I am SO ready for Autumn now too, I’m pretty much done with the heat haha. I was out during one of the 35 degree days this month and god it was unbearable!
OhNo – yeah idk how people can deal with that.. im thankful I don’t work outside and that we have good working AC for sure 😅
AWW LOOK AT THEM BEST PUPPOS. I’m hapy to hear Majora is fitting in with the weeins, and I’m sure Sheik will get along with Majora soon!
I’m so done with the heatwave. Working at home all month has been great and helpful since we’re moving and we obviously can’t go to the new place yet, so I’m low-key hoping when they require us to actually start hybrid that the heatwave is gone because I miss having a hoodie. 😩
Yess im missing sweaters & hoodies too!! Although i’ve been lucky that my workplace has been mostly cold rather than warm 👍🏼