Good morning! Still in my spooky era, I picked up a mystery thriller 👀 I gotta say it was my first novel by this author, as I haven’t read her Truly Devious serie, also one of the very few new release that I read so far! 4.5 / 5 ….
Author: Kristina
Hello everyone, To be frank with y’all, I’ve been under the weather the past 2 days- suspecting another sinusitis (as I got the same last year in early October), not to be surprised as it’s 18 degrees celcius and pretty, and the next it’s 0 degrees celcius during the night.. ….
Good morning! Nonfiction November is near, so let’s look at what i’ve read so far.. which I gotta say I really thought I had read more than that 😅 Related; Let’s talk bookish nonfiction Out of 33 books read, I have only read 6 Nonfictions this year.. compared to ….
Hello! Something a bit different today, im slightly in a blogging slump for ideas, as I have a question for you guys regarding the Jetpack plugin. It started last week, at the same time that we got our power issue; they plugged a smart counter on our house to display our use ….
Heylo! Adding new books onto TBRs are so addictive!! But hey, atleast we are removing old ones we barely remember to make place for new ones, right.. would you imagine the numbers of books on my list if we hadn’t? 👀 This TBR game/whatever you wanna call it – ….
Hey guys! We’re doing October 8th prompt; Bookish brags or confessions, what are you proud of or not-so-proud of in your bookish life? (submitted by Lydia @ Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was ….
Heyoo! Okay- I got a good reason for this haul: 1) I had done a mega unhauling last month & 2).. i was going to my local store to buy my goddaughter’s birthday present 😅 so ofcourse I had to splurge some on myself too., It was her second ….
Hey guys! Today we are addressing October 1st prompt; Books I Read/Avoided Because of the Hype (and did you make the right choice?) Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of ….
Helloo! After doing so good on my Autumn TBR I decided to take a break and get back to Non-fiction, so I picked this one off libby about relationships & dating! Some bouts of it made me think of my relationship with my ex, and some informations is good to ….
I can’t believe October is at our doors again.. my goddaughter will celebrate her second birthday in 2 days!! 😭 It’s true when they said time flies as you grew older.. September’s feels; I’ve worked 6days a week for half of the month, as we were understaffed and training ….