” Blogging is hard, why do you keep up with it? “

My fellow bloggers will know this, blogging is hard on the long run.

Sure, in some times, we have plenty of ideas and things just go SO smooth! However, blogging is not always a walk in the park.. Like writers do, we can get a “blogging block”; where everything feels just …too much. It’s frustrating, we don’t have post ideas, and just generally don’t feel we have the energy to in that period of time. for a variety of reasons.

Yet; if you’re one of us who like to stick to a blogging schedule, you’ll eventually suck it up and blog anyway.

Thoses who don’t understand our lifestyle will probably ask; « If it’s so hard and time consuming, Why are you still doing it?! »

Specially as most of us isn’t even paid for it*, and do it all with our own money – which is another thing they might not understand.

To thoses persons, here’s my answers to that:

∇ First and foremost, it’s something to do. I only work part-time currently, as you may know, and even if my work schedule can get heavy.. it’s just not the same as working full time. And my only friend I got near me can be difficult to do things with as she have a fiancé and two boys..

∇ It just gives me a sentiment of accomplishment. That might just be my Capricorn in me talking, but I just can’t sit there and do nothing. I will most definately feel bad at some point; I know one can’t be working all the time and do need to relax but … my brain won’t have it. So when I can get ahead with my posts and get my “blogging duties” done, it just feels so good ! I’ve successfully completed something in my day.

∇ Just like anything, there’s friends who understand you! Blogging, like any hobby, is one way to make friends. Sure, we all have different backgrounds, cultures, or even first languages; but we all do this one thing all of us love so much: Blog about our love of books ! It’s like we found our people ! there’s quite no one else who seems to understand us on our journey with blogging/reading.


Why do YOU keep on blogging, anything I forgot ?

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