Blogging slump, what are they?

Blogging slump, what are they?

Everybody should know about what a “reading slump” is .. but what about blogging ones?

Of course, we are all book lovers in here ! Though we do it purely by pleasures.. book blogging is more loving books on hard mode. ahah we get too excited sometimes, and end up with a pile of books to review; which is WAY too big for us alone .. 😂 And yet we do anyway.

Blogging slump; The moment when the blogger get out of ideas for blog posts and/or feels out of energy to do said blogging duties (includes planning and writing posts, reply and return comments.. etc.)

Just like reading slump, blogging ones is quite normal in the lives of book bloggers. However; some slumps may be more lenghty than others, and depending on the case, may need a break (up to the blogger’s discretion).

If you are new to blogging do not worry my dear ! this is a normal process, and alot of us went through it. you can either push through and keep scheduling (hopefully atleast one day ahead) and wait for it to pass.. or, we will all understand if you decide to take a break of a week or more so you can slow down, take a breathe .. and hopefully come back refreshed and having missed it so much you’re excited to come back ! 🙂


Have you gotten any blogging slump yet? Any tips you wanna give ? xx 

17 thoughts on “Blogging slump, what are they?

  1. 😂😂😂😂 uh, YES. I totally, totally, totally have blogging slumps (and exercise slumps, and eating healthy slumps, and reading slumps.) Love this post.

  2. I totally get blogging slumps sometimes, what I do for them is 1) when I am feeling inspired I write a bunch of posts ahead of time so that when I am struck with a slump I don’t feel like I’m not uploading anything and I can just take a break, I don’t feel like I need to force myself to write. 2) I try writing something different from my usual content. This might mean introducing a new series, writing about a different topic (for a book blog, maybe write about your own life, or a different hobby for a little bit) just to get creative juices flowing again.
    Sometimes I think we just have to ride out a slump though.
    Goodluck xx

    1. yep ! I usually tend to go more for tags or conversation posts in that time .. so much easier and I can just ramble on x

      I’m usually good with planning also ! I can always give myself a break whenever I really dont feel like writing (like today..) and yet I don’t miss posts. It had happened where I did forced myself in a slump to write anyway, atleast the one coming post so I didn’t totally ran out.
      Thank you for your imput! xx

  3. I had one 2 weeks ago! I think I was just frustrated with what was going on in the world and didn’t know if I could talk about it on my blog. Maybe someday loll!

    1. ahh … yeah, I just wanna say if you wanna talk about it, then you should ! No matter what this is your blog.
      Look at mine ! I have one for dachshunds and anxiety ahah totally NOT related at all xD you can even set a day for more “off topic” stuff. (Mine’s sunday)

  4. “book blogging is more loving books on hard mode” – I love this!

    I can so relate to blogging slump. I’m going through that every couple of weeks or so. Haha. It’s happening more often because of how overwhelming life is becoming (adulting). But I push through and make sure I post a few articles at least every week (or every 2 weeks).

    1. haha yes ! not what I originally had in mind, but I really wanted to say that one xD

      Adulting is hard, indeed .. I was having one trying to juggle with work, new boyfriend and my blog along with the weeins xD But that’s how I solve it too ahah I have had my planning done, and I just .. I had a few premade already, when it ran out I forced the writing of my next ones (sometimes even just the day before) to be sure my blog never skipped a post.

  5. Oh I think I kind of feel myself in a blogging slump these days 😛 Now I hardly find myself that enthusiastic to write or think about posts in advance. But, the best thing is to just relax and post whenever you like. I have certainly reduced my post frequency and now I feel much relaxed 🙂

    1. yeep… same xD I have postponed the writing of my Bujo post of tomorrow like 3times … oops. atleast im not panicky about it ahah

  6. I’ve gone into so many blogging slumps in the two years I’ve been blogging it is ridiculous. I’ve started just keeping to a schedule and making sure I have posts a little in advance just in case I go into another slump.

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