Blogging with Anxiety; Everything needs the same format

Blogging with Anxiety; Everything needs the same format

Good morning!

As always, facing anxiety, I always have lots of ideas for this little serie to share with y’all 😅  Let’s share our blogging anxieties together, and maybe some little remedies ahah

✏︎ Check out the other things i’ve covered in this little serie


Can you honestly say, as a reader, that you’ve looked thoroughfully for book memes/series posts having the same format to each other? I don’t think so.. 😅

Yet again, my anxiety is put on something that i’m the only one caring about- placing useless pressure on my shoulders.. basically like all the other things I’ve wrote about in this serie.


While copy/pasting a little blurb for book memes or series you’re making isn’t particularly problematic, it goes way beyond that for me. I need the titles to look the same way, with the same little “characters”: some memes get the ” – “, while others get the ” | ” or ” ~ ” .. going onto the how will I phrase that, do I use [Book recs] before, or do I put it in the end, but they ALL need to be the same.

Even the composition, everything need to be of the same spacing, things needs to be indented from others… and all those perimeters that I’ve created myself.


That’s the most disabling thing with anxiety, I find.. While we know how much that specific anxieties doesn’t make sense, and that YOU created it, somehow you still have to follow it.. because to you mind, that rule is existing and is very true, and you can’t get yourself to go beyond that.

Changing your ways and putting less importance to small anxieties, that doesn’t even make sense in the first place, do needs time & efforts. Which is what i’m currently trying to do- writing about it and how it doesn’t make sense, potentially having like-wise comments saying how right it is, do help exteriorising it and hopefully make something click.



Can you relate, too?
What little useless anxieties do you have? 

2 thoughts on “Blogging with Anxiety; Everything needs the same format

  1. Is this a stream of consciousness post? It feels like it lol. I deal with everything that has to be in order too. Even my own blog posts, they have to have the same format. Except for the body part, whether it’s a review, discussion or news update.

    1. It might’ve been.. ahaha 😅 was mainly was talking to myself as I went. Ah! Well that’s good to hear i’m not alone in that!

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